
"make model" imports tcl files (for user IPs) only during clean build

preelobo opened this issue · 6 comments

Ran into this error
if we do a "make clean", and then "make model" the tcl files for user IPs from $action_root/hw/vhdl are imported into ~snap/hardware/ip/managed_ip_project/managed_ip_project.srcs/sources_1/ip using the "create_ip.tcl" script,
however, later on, if one updates their source code, resulting in new tcl files, and then doeas a "make model" (without make clean), the new tcl files are not imported, since there is the ".create_ip_done" file present already in ~snap/hardware did, which prevents the call for "create_ip.tcl".

This results into a scenario where $action_root/hw/vhdl has one set of tcl files/user ips
and ~snap/hardware/ip/managed_ip_project/managed_ip_project.srcs/sources_1/ip has another set resulting into "U"ndefined signals in simulation and black-box errors during opt_design step of FPGA image build.

Ideally, regardless of clean build or just plain build the latest tcl files from $action_root/hw/vhdl has to be imported

This is mainly for HLS actions since HLS calls ip from libraries that can be different at every compilation.

We did decide that after adding or modifying SNAP IP you always have to create the Vivado project from scratch. I.e. you need to call make clean before calling make hw_project or make model or make image.
Support for HLS IP (user IP) got added recently. It got integrated into the SNAP IP generation process. This probably wasn't a good idea. In branch RecreateUserIp I did change this approach. Please have a look into pull request #819.

I did decide to consolidate the approach of creation and addition of HDL actions and HLS actions. Therefore, I did close the pull request #819 without merging. I'll create a new branch and a new pull request.

After rebasing and modifying the support for HDL actions, I created pull request #822 for this.

Great thanks Sven. It perfectly answers the issue. Great work

Preetham agreed problem was solved