
HLS warning check: helloworld.log doesn't contain "setting up clock" message

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In recent HLS checking improvements,
in, it goes to $(SOLUTION_DIR)*/$(SOLUTION_NAME)/$(SOLUTION_NAME).log to look for something like: Setting up clock 'default' with a period of 4ns. but this log file doesn't contain this line. Instead, this line can be found in vivado_hls.log.

So the checking doesn't happen actually, and /bin/sh: line 0: [: 4: unary operator expected will be shown.

	@if [ $(HLS_ACTION_CLOCK) != $(shell grep "Setting up clock" $(SOLUTION_DIR)*/$(SOLUTION_NAME)/$(SOLUTION_NAME).log |cut -d " " -f 12|cut -d "n" -f 1) ]; then \
		echo " ---------------------------------------------------------- "; \
		echo " ERROR: Action was last compiled with a different HLS clock."; \
		echo " Please force the recompilation with a 'make clean' command";  \
		echo " ---------------------------------------------------------- "; exit -1; \

hdclf037: luyong /afs/bb/u/luyong/capi/vol2/temp/master/actions/hls_helloworld/hw $ make
-n helloworld
-d hlsUpperCase
-w hls_action
-p xcvu3p-ffvc1517-2-i
-c 4
-f "action_uppercase.cpp "
-s /afs/
-x """" > run_hls_script.tcl
vivado_hls -f run_hls_script.tcl >> /afs/
rm -f -rf hlsUpperCase_xcvu3p-ffvc1517-2-i/helloworld/syn/systemc hlsUpperCase_xcvu3p-ffvc1517-2-i/helloworld/syn/verilog
/bin/sh: line 0: [: 4: unary operator expected
Checking for critical warnings during HLS synthesis .... OK
Checking for critical timings during HLS synthesis .... OK
Checking for reserved MMIO area during HLS synthesis ... OK

Thanks Lu Yong. I saw that once in the past but cannot have it recreated. I'll continue trying

corrected by pull request #868

add correction #872 since patch implemented in #868 works with HLS 2018.1 and not for 2018.2 and later.

@luyong6 . this is an old issue corrected . tell me if we can close the issue

Closing this issue since corrected