
There is no '/sys/class/cxl*'

lis123kr opened this issue · 5 comments

When I ran 'snap_find_card' on Power 9, It didn't find my card.
I'm using Power9 (AC922) and N250SP card. So, I installed the FPGA card to Slot 3 P1-C3 of the server following the instruction (
and I followed QuickStart Guide (
for setting the environment on Power 9 (Cloning the snap github and 'sudo apt-get install libcxl-dev')
However, I couldn't find '/dev/capi*' or '/sys/class/cxl*' on the server. But, I ran 'lspci | grep Nallatech' command, I can find it perceived. How can I find my card ?

'lspci | grep Nallatech'

0030:01:00.0 Serial controller: Nallatech Ltd. Device 250b

my server environments are below.


LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic


Firmware version:
Product Version : witherspoon-ibm-OP9-v2.0-2.14-prod
Product Extra : bmc-firmware-version-2.01
Product Extra : buildroot-2018.02.1-6-ga8d1126
Product Extra : capp-ucode-p9-dd2-v4
Product Extra : hcode-b8173e8
Product Extra : hostboot-8ab6717d-p110cb65
Product Extra : hostboot-binaries-276bb70
Product Extra : linux-4.16.8-openpower2-p6a14c7f
Product Extra : machine-xml-7cd20a6
Product Extra : occ-77bb5e6
Product Extra : petitboot-v1.7.1-p50a5645
Product Extra : sbe-a596975
Product Extra : skiboot-v6.0.1

[Kernel Version]

Linux 4.15.0-55-generic

Hi @lis123kr
It seems that you did everything good on the software side but I guess you don't have a CAPI image in your FPGA card and so your card is not recognized by the system as a CAPI card.
Reading again the explanations provided on our github, iI understand that you may have missed the point so I will arrange this shortly. I would suggest you to follow the link how to program a blank card. Once the card is programmed and the server rebooted, you will get the followings:

~/snap$ lspci | grep Nallatech
~/snap$ lspci | grep accel
0006:00:00.0 Processing accelerators: IBM Device 0632 (rev 01)
0030:01:00.0 Processing accelerators: IBM Device 0477 (rev 02)
~/snap$ snap_find_card -v -A N250SP
N250SP card has been detected in card position: 0
PSL Revision is : 0x3001
Device ID is : 0x0632
Sub device is : 0x060d
Image loaded is self defined as : user
Next image to be loaded at next reset (load_image_on_perst) is : user
Card PCI location is : 0030:01:00.0
Card PCI physical slot is : WIO Slot1
~/snap$ ls /sys/class/cxl
afu0.0 afu0.0m afu0.0s card0
~/snap$ ls /dev/cxl
afu0.0m afu0.0s

Let me know if this solve your issue.

Thank you @bmesnet

I think I need to buy 'Xilinx Platform programmer'( for programming a blank card.

The instruction for programming a blank card said

The Nallatech N250S and N250SP require an additional Development & Debug Breakout Board
to interface with the Xilinx Platform Cable USB II

Yes, I have another board with jtag, uart port and also USB port. I tried to program the flash using vivado tool.

vivado -nolog -nojournal -mode batch -source setup/flash_mcs.tcl -tclargs "build/Images/${FPGACARD}_flash.mcs"

But, I've got

ERROR: [Labtoolstcl 44-199] No matching targets found on connected servers: localhost
Resolution: If needed connect the desired target to a server and use command refresh_hw_server. Then rerun the get_hw_targets command.
ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'get_hw_targets' failed due to earlier errors.
while executing
invoked from within
"llength [get_hw_targets]"
invoked from within
"set numjtags [llength [get_hw_targets]]"
(file "setup/flash_mcs.tcl" line 93)

When I googled it, I found out it needs 'Platform Cable USB II' and have to install 'cable driver'.
I'll let you know when I solve this problem with Platform Cable USB II.

From my knowledge, this is the only way to go for the 250S and 250SP. Some card vendors (like AlphaData) provide some drivers to rewrite the Flash without this programmer (but I never succeeded in using them) or even better has embedded the Xilinx programmer on the board itself (this work ok).
Let me know

No news = good news? Please reopen this issue if the problem reaapears

I'm sorry, but we've been delayed due to the complicated purchasing process and delivery delay. I think I'll get it soon.
Okay, If I have problem trying it, I'll reopen this issue.
Thank you