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What is the security-checklist project?

Checklists are an awesome way to get structure to your security practice. If you are trying to achieve a lot with a few resources then they can help you manage the complexity in your world and make sure things don't get missed.

What can you use checklists for?

You can create a checklist for all sorts of things. In this project we hope to create all sorts of checklists, some ideas include:

  • Due diligence when selecting 3rd party tools and libraries
  • Triaging alerts
  • Onboarding a new member of staff
  • Handling common types of security incident
  • What to look for in a code review

How to contribute

If you would like to add a new checklist or add to an existing checklist, you can get stuck in today.

For new checklists, clone this repo and create a new branch. Now you can copy the provided template and turn it into your dream checklist.. Once you are done, submit a pull request and we will help you get it merged.

If you are editing an existing checklist, follow the above steps but edit the checklist of you choice. Your changes will be reviewed as part of your pull request and we will help you to get your changes merged.

If you are new to open source, you can find some great guides on how to get started at https://www.firsttimersonly.com/

Got a suggestion or issue?

Use the issues board to submit your bugs, issues or suggestions.