
Building a complex e-Commerce app in React with a team.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Building a complex e-Commerce app in React with a team.

Hello there! My name is Jakhongir, and you can check the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jahongir-bektemirov-82621a246/

I wrote some things down before I started. I would like you to read it 🙂!

We create an e-commerce app on React called "React Tire" or different(can be changed the name later). We use Tailwind CSS for UI/UX, and for the backend, we use fake API for now, of course, we will write API on NodeJS in the future (after suggesting frontend).

Our project will be similar to shinline.kz site. The shinline.kz is a huge site, but we do not do everything, but we do the necessary features. Of course I think it will be interesting.

I have made the Header and Footer part of the our project, now it is necessary to make the ProductList part and others. We will do it together if you want. The main idea is that we take (steal :)) interesting, functional parts from one or more e-commerce sites like shinline.kz and use them in our project. Although the UI/UX part is not very beautiful, we mainly need functionality to strengthen our knowledge in React (of course we can improve the UI/UX part in the future, for example responsive the mobile view).

To clone and start the project

  1. git clone https://github.com/Jakhongir66/team-collaboration.git
  2. some changes on your part in project
  3. git commit -m "feature(Product): styled Product"
  • we basically commit in 3 different ways :
    1. "feature(): " - for newly added things or features
    2. "change(): " - for changed things or features
    3. "fix(): " - for fixed things or features
    4. "other(): " - ...maybe other way
  1. git push origin develop
  • I created two branch in Github, one of them "main" and another one "develop". You always push to develop branch and after I check the result I merge to main branch. We will deploy our project to vercel or similar, and we can see our results there!
  1. Every day you can pull out all changes in develop branch. For this: git pull origin develop

  2. If you have additional suggestions and discussions, write them here

  3. I create telegram group and if you have any problem with git or with the project, you can post it in the telegram group. https://t.me/+PPlFGskCr5oyODZi