ts-fsrs is a versatile package based on TypeScript that supports ES modules, CommonJS, and UMD.
- 8
- 4
about optimization
#134 opened by asukaminato0721 - 3
[Question] What's the usage of `reschedule`?
#125 opened by L-M-Sherlock - 12
- 4
FSRS-5 test
#115 opened by joshdavham - 3
- 0
- 5
- 0
- 8
#91 opened by Ignorantforce - 0
- 1
invalid date error while using f.repeat function
#80 opened by Rosouly - 6
Questions about using cards
#79 opened by hvven - 5
#78 opened by RainVice - 2
Question: Why does the function give every possible card based on every possible grade?
#70 opened by Brentably - 6
能否支持 commonjs
#62 opened by hubingkang - 2
- 1
[Feature] Need exact type return
#20 opened by ishiko732 - 0
[bug]getTime is not a function
#21 opened by ishiko732 - 0
- 3
[Remove] next version remove dayjs.js
#8 opened by ishiko732 - 1
Update Example
#6 opened by ishiko732 - 1
#4 opened by ishiko732