- 2
PackageStatus message should define a downloading state and include additional metadata
#204 opened by michel-laterman - 2
- 1
Proxy & TLS settings in OpAMPConnectionSettings, TelemetryConnectionSettings, and OtherConnectionSettings
#203 opened by michel-laterman - 23
Agents should report supported components
#198 opened by andykellr - 1
- 7
OpAMP Agent heartbeats
#183 opened by jaronoff97 - 1
Allow remote configuration of an agent's non-identifying attributes
#185 opened by BinaryFissionGames - 0
TLSCertificate.public_key is incorrectly named
#161 opened by tigrannajaryan - 1
Markdown link checking isn't working
#170 opened by chalin - 1
- 0
- 13
Opamp spec overloads definition of
#131 opened by jack-berg - 1
Spec contains an invalid links
#169 opened by chalin - 1
TelemetryConnectionSettings should support all config options of the exporter
#177 opened by srikanthccv - 13
- 0
Need ability to report errors in response to Command and Connection Settings Offer
#164 opened by tigrannajaryan - 3
Security: Configuration Restrictions
#119 opened by aiwaniuk - 0
[editorial] Spec: replace links to semantic_conventions by semconv section of OTel website
#150 opened by chalin - 0
- 5
- 0
[editorial] Update spec to make it suitable for publication on the OTel website
#148 opened by chalin - 0
- 2
Explain why OpAMP client/server implementations may expose generated Protobufs in the API
#140 opened by tigrannajaryan - 0
Security: Add a mechanism for sending secrets that avoids embedding them in plain text configurations.
#143 opened by nephyst - 5
RemoteConfigStatus cannot return status per configuration passed in AgentRemoteConfig AgentConfigMap
#144 opened by andykellr - 1
Explain what "Stable" label means for OpAMP
#134 opened by tigrannajaryan - 2
Split specification into one page per main section
#145 opened by chalin - 3
Feature: Add attribute to Agent Capabilities for mechanism of sending Agent Description
#142 opened by kailash-bhanushali - 3
Clarify agent health reporting
#136 opened by tigrannajaryan - 7
Consider adding a header for WebSocket messages to allow future extensibility
#133 opened by tigrannajaryan - 0
Remove deleted wording from the spec
#124 opened by tigrannajaryan - 1
- 4
Unable to set multiple Capabilities in a single message when using Java/Kotlin protobuf
#121 opened by nephyst - 3
Agent vs Client is a bit confusing
#114 opened by tigrannajaryan - 0
Security: Code Signing - downgrade prevention
#118 opened by aiwaniuk - 1
Confirm that WebSocket compression works
#92 opened by tigrannajaryan - 1
- 2
Add ReportsRemoteConfig capability
#112 opened by tigrannajaryan - 3
- 1
Remote management for the server
#106 opened by Doron-Bargo - 7
- 2
- 0
Locally installed package reporting
#96 opened by tigrannajaryan - 0
- 0
Support JSON-encoded Protobuf messages
#94 opened by tigrannajaryan - 0
- 0
Do we need recommendation to cache remote config and OTLP metric destination
#91 opened by tigrannajaryan - 5
Need clarification on how OpAMP sends sensitive credential data to the client
#80 opened by dsvanlani - 2
- 0