
💬 🤖 The easiest way to turn your WhatsApp into an API. Be sure to 🌟 this repository for updates!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo shows a simple way to create a memory efficient API out of your WhatsApp account using docker.


> docker run [ ... docker flags] --init openwa/wa-automate [... cli flags]

It is important to add the --init flag to make sure zombie processes are garbage collected properly

The default internal port is 8080. Set -e PORT=3000 in the docker flags section to set the internal port to 3000.

For example:

# Defaults
> docker run -p 8080:8080 --init openwa/wa-automate

# Devices with arm64 processors (Raspberry Pi`s, Apple M1, etc...)
> docker run --platform linux/arm64 -p 8080:8080 openwa/wa-automate

# Custom webhook, port & socket mode enabled for easy integration with node-red
> docker run -p 8080:8085 --init openwa/wa-automate -w -p 8085 https://webhook.site.... --socket

# You can also use environment variables to set the port
> docker run -e PORT=8085 -p 8080:8085 --init openwa/wa-automate -w https://webhook.site.... --socket


The only tag for this docker image is latest. On launch of the docker container, the latest version of the main library is checked and updated. So all you need to do to use the latest wa-automate code is to restart your container.

Sometimes you may want to use a previous version of the library, or just pin it due to stability reasons, in this case you can set the environment variable W_A_V to your desired wa-automate library version. For example:

# Same setup as above but with library version 4.42.1
> docker run -e W_A_V=4.42.1 -p 8080:8080 --init openwa/wa-automate -w https://webhook.site.... --socket

See here for more information on cli flags - https://github.com/open-wa/wa-automate-nodejs/blob/82ecae471e9cdf0013b81f53c2f83d2b33d6fa42/src/cli/setup.ts#L27