Open Watcom V2.0 - Source code repository, Wiki, Latest Binary build, Archived builds including all installers for download.
- 15
Linker puts the wrong source file path in symbol files
#1354 opened by rdos314 - 8
- 6
DOS stat() pathname separator inconsistency
#1345 opened by dajhorn - 16
wdw register state not working properly
#1350 opened by rdos314 - 5
Are win32 DLL's of current version (2.0, or the last 1.9) are compatible with Watcom 11?
#1352 opened by lollisoft - 1
Line information in map files corrupt
#1349 opened by rdos314 - 3
WASM hangs when text macro has instruction
#1347 opened by OPNA2608 - 2
enhancement: Increase the speed of pthread_mutex_lock / pthread_mutex_unlock
#1342 opened by winspool - 12
readdir() fails in WSL with errno=75
#1337 opened by dajhorn - 77
SUSE Linux/Tumbleweed build doese not work
#1339 opened by LowLevelMahn - 4
- 16
- 2
OpenWatcom v2 build: compilation error on Ubuntu 24.10 (also with gcc 14.2.x)
#1340 opened by LowLevelMahn - 0
OpenWatcom v2 build: SUSE Linux Tumbleweed fails due to bug with c99 stub
#1341 opened by LowLevelMahn - 9
wlink memory could not be read error
#1338 opened by Pokeman2003 - 2
Variable declaration treated as function declaration after first function call within function
#1336 opened by Pokeman2003 - 8
Impossible to "associate" an icon (defined into resource file) at an executable on Win 11 64 bit.
#1335 opened by tdechaize - 0
wd: cursor movement produces broken display content
#1333 opened by winspool - 0
Separate multi-byte code from single-byte code in CRTL
#1332 opened by jmalak - 4
enhancement: Add support for memset_s (part of the stdc bounds checking extensions: C11, Annex K)
#1329 opened by winspool - 1
mbedtls fails to build in psa_crypto.c
#1330 opened by winspool - 1
output of sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF) is incorrect
#1325 opened by jmalak - 0
C compiler doesn't generate warning if ternary operator is used for near and based pointers
#1328 opened by jmalak - 13
- 1
Support for weak or lazy symbols
#1324 opened by jmalak - 4
- 2
- 2
Missing atoh function
#1318 opened by MikeyG - 8
wlink fails to set a default entry point and the created ELF program crashes
#1317 opened by winspool - 8
Windows 1.0 support: Use GetProcAddress to look for __AHSHIFT instead of assuming real mode?
#1310 opened by joncampbell123 - 2
owcc -O2 (-O3) with -mtune=i686 does not create cmovl or cmovg (wcc386 gets -onatxhl+ -6r)
#1308 opened by winspool - 5
Create Listing files with wdis only 2 Byte addresses
#1302 opened by headscott - 0
- 3
exe2bin built but not installed under MacOS arm
#1305 opened by boeckmann - 1
Wrong shield for alloca.h
#1304 opened by fafner2000 - 0
- 3
Error when initializing multiple bit fields
#1283 opened by fafner2000 - 22
Pharlap Extender executable .exp file: why is the checksum always 0 and why is at 0x200 position something
#1300 opened by headscott - 6
Problem with $ in assembly when linking object files
#1290 opened by headscott - 14
Create format PHAR EXT executable with wcl386
#1295 opened by headscott - 1
Trailing vs leading _ when linking object files from wcc386 and microsoft assembler ml
#1294 opened by headscott - 5
win-x86 build will not run on NT 4.0 SP6
#1291 opened by HnkGitHub - 0
16-bit C compiler generate wrong code for direct call to absolute address (constant)
#1298 opened by jmalak - 0
16-bit C compiler crash
#1297 opened by jmalak - 11
Pointer mismatch error and too big structs and buffers
#1293 opened by headscott - 9
Create LST file from wlink
#1289 opened by headscott - 18
Compatibility problem with Win32 libraries
#1287 opened by fafner2000 - 5
- 4
- 2
wmake copy command regression
#1281 opened by sezero