Bounced Email Service

Bounced Email Service separates incoming bounced emails in temporary failures and permanent failures (also called as soft and hard bounces) and handles messages accordingly.

How it works

  • The undeliverable emails (bounced emails) are forwarded from the HPI mailservers to the postfix mailserver on our router (router-{a,b}
  • The mailserver is configured to send the bounced emails to an amqp message queue running on the Bounced Email Service.
    • add the domains which should be handled to /etc/postfix/ to mydestination = ...,,
    • add to /etc/aliases the no-reply user: no-reply:|/usr/local/bin/
    • create the file /usr/local/bin/ with:
exec amqp-publish -u amqp://<rabbitmq-user>:<rabbitmq-password>@<rabbitmq-server>/bouncedemails -r "bouncedemails"


A SMTP server has been added to the Bounced Email Service. This means that bounced emails can now be forwarded directly to the bouncedemails virtual machine. However, the SMPT server can only be started on a high port (default: 2525). Therefore the sending HPI mailservers (mail4 and mail5) have to be configured to this port. However, this requires that the HPI mailservers can reach the bouncedemails virtual machine. If the HPI mail servers cannot be configured to the high port, it is recommended to establish a corresponding simpleproxy service.

  • Bounced Email Service consumes the message queue. The message handler separates the incoming bounced email and handles them accordingly:
    • Temporary failure: The accused email address in the bounced email and the domain from which the originally email was sent are stored in a local database together with a counter. The counter is incremented with each new incoming occurence. Once the counter exceeds a configured threshold, the accordingly email address is treaten as a permanent failure (and the counter is resetted).
    • Permanent failure: The accused email address in the bounced email is reported to the xikolo-account service. The xikolo-account service disables all notifications regarding this email address.

Handling permanent failures

If the Bounced Email Service detects a permanent failure, then the responsible plattform will be informed. The plattform is determined by the no-reply address, e.g. The Bounced Email Service tries to POST-request the plattform. The accordingly HTTP endpoint MUST be defined in the config.yml. See bounced_email_service/config.template.yml. The base_url endpoint MUST include {address} as an URL part. E.g. "{address}/suspend"


As prerequisite you have to have installed: python3, python3-pip, rabbitmq-server. Further you have to have installed pipenv.


  • Create a vhost bouncedemails
  • Create a user (e.g. bouncedemails) with password, with all permissions to the new created vhost


  • run pipenv install
  • copy bounced_email_service/config.template.yml to bounced_email_service/config.yml and adjust the values for production stage.
  • fill the credentials in bounced_email_service/config.yml

Install the systemd control files for Bounced_Email_Service. In the resources folder are examples for the systemd files. Adjust the values and install the services.

Development & Testing

Start a local webserver by python3 tests/ 7001. In another shell run the service as bouncedemails user in forground by pipenv run python3 bounced_email_service/ --env develop --debug run. In a 3rd shell send a testmail to rabbitmq-server by cat tests/testmail | tests/ This should give the output:

root@bouncedemails:~# journalctl -f -u bouncedemails.service
bouncedemails - ------------- INCOMING MESSAGE -------------
bouncedemails - From: (Mail Delivery System)
bouncedemails - Subject:   Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
bouncedemails - To:
bouncedemails - Domain:
bouncedemails - Permanent:
bouncedemails - Response:  200 / {"processd_email": ""}