PyPupilEXT allows to detect the pupil diameter in images captured by stereo- and mono camera systems. The pupil diameter can be detected using one of the state-of-the-art open-source algorithms, Starburst, Swirski2D, ExCuSe, ElSe, PuRe and PuReST.
- ageronAuckland
- ajinkyapuarPune, India
- ArielShadrac
- baekgaardDTU Compute, Cognitive Systems
- bruno2009
- Chanuku
- chillmatinIZTECH
- CommanderPho
- hackayanIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- jantomec
- Javacr
- JeremyYeaton
- JK-c66
- jpmansonInteractive Dynamics
- JQiuToronto, ON
- konbraphat51Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- mapluischtu darmstadt / brsu
- mikiyakoike0331
- nine-city
- pablobernabeu
- parusg
- pys0126ChongQing
- QJieWang
- richardgetz
- roro2882
- seesaw1992
- SneakyLuke88
- superzrxTencent
- The-C-Wolf
- tvandenzegelBelgium
- waqarmumtaz369Pakistan
- yakeworld