- 4
- 0
Chrome canary?
#189 opened by buufmax - 6
HTTPS proxy ignored
#186 opened by RafaelLinux - 1
[Update source]: copyq
#185 opened by RafaelLinux - 0
Package search in reverse like Yay.
#175 opened by robke96 - 1
- 11
Exit status 106 after picking a package
#179 opened by DrDoctor13 - 1
DNF5 Backend?
#170 opened by Rerum02 - 10
opi - connection refused - another exception occurred
#177 opened by marcoczen - 2
OpenSuse - RustDesk Server - Key Mismatch
#176 opened by marcoczen - 4
- 6
v 4.3.0 adds the wrong packman repo for Slowroll
#168 opened by zebh - 0
- 0
Error when a .repo file contain many repos
#165 opened by garywill - 0
- 6
opi is broken again under Leap 15.5
#163 opened by ecsgh - 3
"copyq" original RPM not included
#162 opened by RafaelLinux - 0
Add wrong openh264 repo for openSUSE MicroOS
#158 opened by zzndb - 0
Opi codecs fail in Slowroll
#153 opened by enrique-mp - 0
Expand all vars from /etc/zypp/vars.d/
#152 opened by asdil12 - 13
What is the minimum python version required?
#147 opened by ecsgh - 1
Add option to ignore third-party repos
#149 opened by draskmont - 3
Add --non-interactive for scripts
#117 opened by Jean28518 - 1
- 0
[FR] Disable autorefresh after adding repo
#140 opened by garywill - 1
search package provides
#138 opened by asdil12 - 5
Duplicated results
#84 opened by trmdi - 0
- 22
OPI defaults to factory repos for tumbleweed
#113 opened by Mirppc - 1
New Zoom packaging key not installed
#133 opened by tvogel - 5
drop vscodium
#127 opened by 13werwolf13 - 0
Teams for Linux isn't a thing anymore
#126 opened by signed-log - 0
dotnet is obsolete
#123 opened by Plarpoon - 1
gpg: invalid armor header
#118 opened by simonbcn - 14
opi installing package from wrong repo
#115 opened by xpufx - 1
Also install Packman Mesa with opi codecs
#114 opened by LinAGKar - 2
Make opi more visible to new users
#90 opened by trmdi - 1
Upload opi module into pip repo ?
#105 opened by Watynecc - 0
Warn about other packages using the same repository before repository deletion
#104 opened by JulianoSCbah - 1
Crashes adding devel repo
#103 opened by bubbleguuum - 1
install instructions for SLE 15 do not work
#102 opened by pbielefeldt - 0
Move config to /etc
#100 opened by asdil12 - 12
OPI finds package then says it doesn't exist.
#96 opened by xpufx - 1
Readme numbered list is wrong
#94 opened by xpufx - 4
command arguments not recognised
#91 opened by jack-sprat - 4
Cannot search. "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'Project' referenced before before assignment"
#88 opened by averyfreeman - 1
add support for android studio
#89 opened by yswtrue - 1
- 2
Search is broken?
#86 opened by K0-RR - 2
add github command line repo
#85 opened by mess-maker