
The source code for all sorts of flutter_map plugins.

Primary LanguageDart

Plugins for the flutter_map ecosystem 🗺️

This repository contains multiple flutter packages that extend the functionality of flutter_map.

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A slim yet powerful caching plugin for flutter_map tile layers. Supports any storage backend you would possibly want.

  • This package fills the gap between dio_cache_interceptor and flutter_map.
  • Support for tile cancellation

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A compass for flutter_map that indicates the map rotation. It rotates the map back to north on top when clicked.

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This package provides the MbTilesTileProvider that can be used with flutter_map tile layers.

  • This package uses mbtiles under the hood for the MBTiles support.
  • MBTiles is a file format to store map tiles in a single SQLite database.

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This package provides the PmTilesTileProvider that can be used with flutter_map tile layers.

  • This package uses pmtiles under the hood for the PMTiles support.
  • PMTiles is an open archive format for pyramids of tile data, accessible via HTTP Range Requests. Head over to protomaps.com to learn more about PMTiles.

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This package provides the MbTilesVectorTileProvider that can be used with the vector_map_tiles which itself adds support for vector tiles to flutter_map.

  • This package uses mbtiles under the hood for the MBTiles support.
  • MBTiles is a file format to store map tiles in a single SQLite database.

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This package provides the PmTilesVectorTileProvider that can be used with the vector_map_tiles which itself adds support for vector tiles to flutter_map.

  • This package uses pmtiles under the hood for the PMTiles support.
  • PMTiles is an open archive format for pyramids of tile data, accessible via HTTP Range Requests. Head over to protomaps.com to learn more about PMTiles.


A huge thanks to all contributors! 😎

List of contributors