
OpenAFS utilities for development and testing

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


afsutil is a command-line tool to build, install, and setup OpenAFS for developers and testers.

Command line interface

usage: afsutil <command> [options]

  version      Print version
  help         Print usage
  getdeps      Install build dependencies
  check        Check hostname
  build        Build binaries
  reload       Reload the kernel module from the build tree
  package      Build RPM packages
  install      Install binaries
  remove       Remove binaries
  start        Start AFS services
  stop         Stop AFS services
  ktcreate     Create a fake keytab
  ktdestroy    Destroy a keytab
  ktsetkey     Add a service key from a keytab file
  ktlogin      Obtain a token with a keytab
  newcell      Setup a new cell
  mtroot       Mount root volumes in a new cell
  addfs        Add a new fileserver to a cell


Install with `yum`:

$ sudo yum install https://download.sinenomine.net/openafs/repo/sna-openafs-release-latest.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install afsutil

Install with `pip`:

$ sudo pip install afsutil

Install with `virtualenv`:

$ python -m virtualenv ~/.virtualenv/afsutil
$ . ~/.virtualenv/afsutil/bin/activate
(afsutil) $ pip install afsutil
(afsutil) $ deactivate
$ sudo ln -s /home/$USER/.virtualenv/afsutil/bin/afsutil /usr/bin/afsutil

$ afsutil version
$ sudo afsutil version

Install from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/openafs-contrib/afsutil
$ cd afsutil
$ <python-interpreter> configure.py  # i.e. python, python2
$ sudo make install    # or make install-user for local install


To build OpenAFS from sources:

$ git clone git://git.openafs.org/openafs.git
$ cd openafs
$ sudo afstuil getdeps
$ afsutil build

To build RPM packages from an arbitrary git checkout (on an rpm-based system):

$ sudo afsutil getdeps
$ git clone git://git.openafs.org/openafs.git
$ cd openafs
$ git checkout <branch-or-tag>
$ afsutil package
$ ls ./package/rpmbuild/RPMS

The afsutil package command will build packages for the userspace and kernel modules by default. See the --build option to build these separately.

The afsutil package command also supports the Fedora mock build system, which is useful to build kernel modules for a large variety of kernel versions.

To build RPM packages from a git checkout with mock, including kernel modules (kmods) for each kernel version found in the yum repositories:

# Install mock.
$ sudo yum install mock
$ sudo usermod -a -G mock $USER
$ newgrp - mock

# Install packages needed to build the OpenAFS SRPM.
$ sudo yum install git libtool bzip2

# Checkout and then build packages.
$ git clone git://git.openafs.org/openafs.git
$ git checkout <branch-or-tag>
$ afsutil package --mock   # This will take some time.

To install legacy "Transarc-style" binaries:

$ sudo afsutil install \
  --force \
  --components server client \
  --dist transarc \
  --dir /usr/local/src/openafs-test/amd64_linux26/dest \
  --cell example.com \
  --realm EXAMPLE.COM \
  --hosts myhost1 myhost2 myhost3 \
  --csdb /root/CellServDB.dist \
  -o "afsd=-dynroot -fakestat -afsdb" \
  -o "bosserver=-pidfiles"

To setup the OpenAFS service key from a Kerberos 5 keytab file:

$ sudo afsutil setkey
  --cell example.com \
  --realm EXAMPLE.COM \
  --keytab /root/fake.keytab

To start the OpenAFS servers:

$ sudo afsutil start server

To setup a new OpenAFS cell on 3 servers, after 'afsutil install' has been run on each:

$ sudo afsutil newcell \
  --cell example.com \
  --realm EXAMPLE.COM \
  --admin example.admin \
  --top test \
  --akimpersonate \
  --keytab /root/fake.keytab \
  --fs myhost1 myhost2 myhost3 \
  --db myhost1 myhost2 myhost3 \
  --aklog /usr/local/bin/aklog-1.6 \
  -o "dafs=yes" \
  -o "afsd=-dynroot -fakestat -afsdb" \
  -o "bosserver=-pidfiles" \
  -o "dafileserver=L"

To start the client:

$ sudo afsutil start client

To mount the top-level volumes after the client is running:

$ afsutil mtroot \
 --cell example.com \
 --admin example.admin \
 --top test \
 --realm EXAMPLE.COM \
 --akimpersonate \
 --keytab /root/fake.keytab \
 --fs myhost1 \
 -o "afsd=-dynroot -fakestat -afsdb"

Configuration files

All of the command line values may be set in a configuration file. Place global configuration in /etc/afsutil.cfg, per user options in ~/.afsutil.cfg, and per project options in .git/afsutil.cfg. Use command line options to override configuration options.

The afsutil configuration files are ini-style format. The sections of the configuration file correspond to the subcommand names, e.g., build, install, newcell. Options within each section correspond to the command line option names.

Some subcommands, such as install and newcell have options like --options and --paths, which consist of multiple name/values pairs. These are represented in the configuration file as subsection in the form [<subcommand>.<option>].

For example, the install command example given above has set of startup options for afsd and bosserver. This would be specified in the configuration file as:

force = yes
components = server client
dist = transarc
dir = /usr/local/src/openafs-test/amd64_linux26/dest
cell = example.com
hosts = myhost1 myhost2 myhost3
csdb = /root/CellServDB.dist

afsd = -dynroot -fakestat -afsdb
bosserver = -pidfiles

Here is an example configuration file:

$ cat /etc/afsutil.cfg
cell = example.com
force = True
components = server client
dist = transarc
hosts = debian9

afsd = -dynroot -fakestat -afsdb
bosserver =

cell = example.com
keytab = /home/mtycobb/afsrobot/fake.keytab

cell = example.com
keytab = /home/mtycobb/afsrobot/fake.keytab
format = detect
asetkey = /usr/afs/bin/asetkey

cell = example.com
admin = afsrobot.admin
fs = debian9
db = debian9

bosserver =
dafileserver =
davolserver =
debian9.dafileserver = -d 1 -L
debian9.davolserver = -d 1


cell = example.com
admin = afsrobot.admin
top = test
akimpersonate = True
keytab = /home/mtycobb/afsrobot/fake.keytab
fs = debian9

afsd = -dynroot -fakestat -afsdb

aklog = /home/mtycobb/.local/bin/aklog-1.6
asetkey = /usr/afs/bin/asetkey
bos = /usr/afs/bin/bos
fs = /usr/afs/bin/fs
gfind = /usr/bin/find
pagsh = /usr/afsws/bin/pagsh
pts = /usr/afs/bin/pts
rxdebug = /usr/afsws/etc/rxdebug
tokens = /usr/afsws/bin/tokens
udebug = /usr/afs/bin/udebug
unlog = /usr/afsws/bin/unlog
vos = /usr/afs/bin/vos

And the commands to install OpenAFS and create a new cell on a single machine:

sudo afsutil install
sudo afsutil ktcreate
sudo afsutil ktsetkey
sudo afsutil start server
sudo afsutil newcell
sudo afsutil start client

afsutil mtroot