
ebm for concept learning

chesternimiz opened this issue · 4 comments

Dear openAI researchers,
Thanks for your code release of ebm. I've been really interested in energy-based models since I read Ignor Mordatch's paper Concept Learning with energy-based models last year. However it is difficult to reproduce the experiments since there's no code or dataset release for that work. Is openAI still working on that topic and can you release a single case implementation of that work? I've sent some e-mails but there's no reply. Looking forward to your help. Thank you.

I'm waiting for that one too.

I'm also really interested in that work. I hope the code can be released.

We have some follow up works that builds on the previous concept learning work:, that might be helpful (full list of papers/code can be found here:

Thanks a lot! I'll check that out.