Medical Monitoring example report

This repository contains the source code to create the Medical Monitoring report, as available in the website:


Example dataset

The CDISC Pilot 01 SDTM data for the report are available in the phuse-scripts GitHub repository.
Please clone this repository and copy the content of the folder: 'data/sdtm/cdiscpilot01' in a folder: 'data'.


A Docker reproducible environment to create the report can be created from the Dockerfile available in the clinDataReview GitHub repository.

In addition, the clinDataReview R package containing the report code can be installed from CRAN.

Creation of the report

To create the report on the example dataset, please run the report-create.R script available in this repository.

Extra material

For further information on how to create such report on your own data, please see the vignettes of the clinDataReview R package available in CRAN.