
R client for redmine

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION

redmineR is an R API client for the Redmine project management system.


To install the package from GitHub, you can use package remotes (or devtools):

# install.packages("remotes")

To get a quick package overview, run:



Authentication is performed using API key, which can be obtained by accessing [redmine_server_URL]/my/account. Note that REST API should be enabled by the server administrator.

The easiest way to provide the API key to redmineR is to define environment variables REDMINE_URL and REDMINE_TOKEN inside your .Renviron file. If these variables are not defined, you will be prompted to enter url/token with the first redmineR request (this would be saved for the current session only).


You can quickly get a working Redmine demo environment to try redmineR by filling a simple form at http://m.redmine.org. After that log-in to the administration panel, and click “Load default configuration”. Then make sure “Enable REST web service” is checked in the “Settings”.

As mentioned on the website,

Please, remember that this demo environment is provided with absolutely NO WARRANTY and for TESTING PURPOSE ONLY. The access to this environment can be disabled and your data deleted at any time, so don’t store sensitive information here.

The following example shows an interaction with such a demo environment. Feel free to use authentication details provided, but there is no guarantee they will remain functional.

Set authentication for the current session

Sys.setenv("REDMINE_URL" = "http://rredmine.m.redmine.org")
Sys.setenv("REDMINE_TOKEN" = "b91fe6803b09b27b068ee02157db2a8100d52f81")

See what is already there

#> redmineR listing for 'projects':
#>   id           name      identifier description status
#> 1 12 testProject455 test-project455        toto      1
#>             created_on           updated_on
#> 1 2017-08-24T19:17:36Z 2017-08-24T19:18:54Z

#> redmineR listing for 'users':
#>   id          login firstname  lastname             mail
#> 1  2 redmineR-admin   Redmine     Admin demo@example.net
#> 2  4         tester    Tester Testering   fake@email.com
#>             created_on        last_login_on
#> 1 2017-07-04T23:43:05Z 2017-07-04T23:43:34Z
#> 2 2017-10-02T14:58:04Z 2017-10-02T14:58:28Z

Create a new project

(newProjectId <- redmine_create_project(name = "testProject",
    identifier = "test-project", description = "project to testthings",
    enabled_module_names = c("files", "issue_tracking", "repository", 
        "time_tracking", "wiki")))
#> [1] 26

# trivial update
redmine_update_project(newProjectId, description = "project to test things")

List projects again

#> redmineR listing for 'projects':
#>   id           name      identifier              description status
#> 1 26    testProject    test-project project to test thin ...      1
#> 2 12 testProject455 test-project455                     toto      1
#>             created_on           updated_on
#> 1 2019-06-03T11:33:54Z 2019-06-03T11:33:54Z
#> 2 2017-08-24T19:17:36Z 2017-08-24T19:18:54Z


#> redmineR API call: http://rredmine.m.redmine.org//projects.json 
#> List of 4
#>  $ projects   :List of 2
#>   ..$ :List of 7
#>   .. ..$ id         : int 26
#>   .. ..$ name       : chr "testProject"
#>   .. ..$ identifier : chr "test-project"
#>   .. ..$ description: chr "project to test things"
#>   .. ..$ status     : int 1
#>   .. ..$ created_on : chr "2019-06-03T11:33:54Z"
#>   .. ..$ updated_on : chr "2019-06-03T11:33:54Z"
#>   ..$ :List of 7
#>   .. ..$ id         : int 12
#>   .. ..$ name       : chr "testProject455"
#>   .. ..$ identifier : chr "test-project455"
#>   .. ..$ description: chr "toto"
#>   .. ..$ status     : int 1
#>   .. ..$ created_on : chr "2017-08-24T19:17:36Z"
#>   .. ..$ updated_on : chr "2017-08-24T19:18:54Z"
#>  $ total_count: int 2
#>  $ offset     : int 0
#>  $ limit      : int 25

Create an issue

projectID <- redmine_search_id("testProject", 
    endpoint = "projects")[1]
#> redmineR listing for 'projects':
#>   id           name      identifier              description status
#> 1 26    testProject    test-project project to test thin ...      1
#> 2 12 testProject455 test-project455                     toto      1
#>             created_on           updated_on
#> 1 2019-06-03T11:33:54Z 2019-06-03T11:33:54Z
#> 2 2017-08-24T19:17:36Z 2017-08-24T19:18:54Z

# now create issue
issueID <- redmine_create_issue(
    project_id = projectID, 
    subject = "test task", 
    description = "test description"

See its details

redmine_show_issue(issueID, include = "all")
#> redmineR API call: http://rredmine.m.redmine.org//issues/20.json?include=children,attachments,relations,changesets,journals,watchers 
#> List of 1
#>  $ issue:List of 17
#>   ..$ id         : int 20
#>   ..$ project    :List of 2
#>   .. ..$ id  : int 26
#>   .. ..$ name: chr "testProject"
#>   ..$ tracker    :List of 2
#>   .. ..$ id  : int 1
#>   .. ..$ name: chr "Bug"
#>   ..$ status     :List of 2
#>   .. ..$ id  : int 1
#>   .. ..$ name: chr "New"
#>   ..$ priority   :List of 2
#>   .. ..$ id  : int 2
#>   .. ..$ name: chr "Normal"
#>   ..$ author     :List of 2
#>   .. ..$ id  : int 2
#>   .. ..$ name: chr "Redmine Admin"
#>   ..$ subject    : chr "test task"
#>   ..$ description: chr "test description"
#>   ..$ start_date : chr "2019-06-03"
#>   ..$ done_ratio : int 0
#>   ..$ spent_hours: num 0
#>   ..$ created_on : chr "2019-06-03T11:33:55Z"
#>   ..$ updated_on : chr "2019-06-03T11:33:55Z"
#>   ..$ attachments: list()
#>   ..$ changesets : list()
#>   ..$ journals   : list()
#>   ..$ watchers   : list()

Use custom queries

Using custom search queries is a powerful feature of redmine. It is not currently possible to create new queries with Rest API, but it is possible to list them and use when searching for issues, as demonstrated below.

We have created a new user and a custom query for them that would list all “Bugs” that are not “Closed”.

# change user account
Sys.setenv("REDMINE_TOKEN" = "6d6af23f4089fe902d875a5521ffae17d756d1a1")

# list existing queries (`name` can also be specified for further filtering),
# and save ID of the first one
queryId <- redmine_search_id(endpoint = "queries")[1] 
#> redmineR listing for 'queries':
#>   id     name
#> 1  1 openBUGS

# now list issues following this query call.
redmine_issues(query_id = queryId)
#> redmineR listing for 'issues' [query = query_id=1]:
#>   id         project tracker status  priority           author   subject
#> 1 20 26, testProject  1, Bug 1, New 2, Normal 2, Redmine Admin test task
#>        description start_date done_ratio           created_on
#> 1 test description 2019-06-03          0 2019-06-03T11:33:55Z
#>             updated_on
#> 1 2019-06-03T11:33:55Z

Clean up

# need to have admin rights
Sys.setenv("REDMINE_TOKEN" = "b91fe6803b09b27b068ee02157db2a8100d52f81")
