
R-CMD-check codecov


A package to convert tinytest results to JUnit XML. This enables processing of test results by CI/CD systems such as GitLab Runner or Jenkins. Similar to the tinytest philosophy this packages comes with no-dependencies.

Core idea

  • Extract needed info from a tinytest S3 result object (eg the result of tinytest::run_test_dir().
  • Convert the output to JUnit XML format as described in this reference: https://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/

Note, this happens internally for you inside the function tinytest2Junit::testPackage!


From CRAN:



Testing your package

The function testPackage runs the tests of your package PkgName and converts the results to a JUnit XML file that can be interpreted by CI/CD systems.

testPackage("PkgName", file = "output.xml")

Note, testPackage assumes your package is already installed! A build and install stage in your CI is thus required.

Test custom directories

You can also use runTestDir to run the tinytests in a specified directory. The output is an S3 tinytests object that needs to be provided to writeJUnit to convert the test results into JUnit xml report.

testresults <- runTestDir("PkgName/inst/tinytests")
writeJUnit(testresults, file = "output.xml", overwrite = TRUE)

Note, you could also just use tinytest::run_test_dir() results with writeJUnit. But both runTestDir and testPackage come with the benefit that they capture uncaught errors from the test files. These will get report in the JUnit with stack trace info for ease of debugging. Using runTestDir or testPackage garantuees that a JUnit report gets generated!

Continue on failure

testPackage will (after writing the JUnit report) throw an error if a test failed. This will ensure that the pipeline fails in case a test failed. However, there can be the situation that you need do to something else in your CI afterwards.

You can turn off the error raising on failure by specifying errorOnFailure=FALSE. Use then the response of testPackage or the JUnit report to handle further handle potential test failures.

Example files for CI/CD integration

Side note on R CMD check

Since R CMD check also runs the tests, it will fail your CI build at that stage if a test fails. In that case, no JUnit test report will be produced.

For that reason, you need to either perform the test stage before R CMD check or use the --no-tests flag.

Warning, only use the flag if all the tests are covered in your test stage(s). You do not want to accidentally skip any other testing in your test/ folder (eg. 'testthat' or plain test files).

Github Actions

PkgName needs to be replaced with the name of your package


name: test-report

      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      R_KEEP_PKG_SOURCE: yes
    name: Build & Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      statuses: write
      checks: write
      contents: write
      pull-requests: write
      actions: write
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
          use-public-rspm: true

      - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
          working-directory: "./PkgName"          
          extra-packages: local::.          
      - run: |
        shell: Rscript {0} 
      - run: |
          tinytest2JUnit::testPackage(pkgname ="PkgName", file = file.path(getwd(), "results.xml"))
        shell: Rscript {0}   

      - name: Test Report
        uses: dorny/test-reporter@v1
        if: success() || failure()    # run this step even if previous step failed
          name: JUnit Tests           # Name of the check run which will be created
          path: results.xml           # Path to test results
          reporter: java-junit        # Format of test results

Download this example file here.

See here the example here

Gitlab CI/CD

PkgName needs to be replaced with the name of your package

image: r-base:latest 

    - apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y libxml2-dev # xml2 library needed for roxygen2
    - echo "options(crayon.enabled=TRUE)" > .Rprofile   # force crayon  mode
    - echo "Installing dependencies"
    - R -e 'install.packages(c("roxygen2", "tinytest", "tinytest2JUnit"))'
    - R -e 'roxygen2::roxygenize("PkgName")'
    - R CMD build PkgName
    - R CMD check PkgName_*.tar.gz --no-manual --no-build-vignettes --no-tests
    - R -e 'install.packages("PkgName", repos = NULL)'
    - R -e 'tinytest2JUnit::testPackage(pkgname ="PkgName", file = file.path(getwd(), "results.xml"))'
    when: always
      - results.xml
      junit: results.xml

Download this file here


Extract from a full Jenkinsfile (replace PkgName with the name of your package):

stages {
   stage('PkgName') {
      stages {
         stage('Roxygen') {
            steps {
               sh 'R -q -e \'roxygen2::roxygenize("PkgName")\''
         stage('Build') {
            steps {
               sh 'R CMD build PkgName'
         stage('Check') {
            steps {
               script() {
                  switch(sh(script: 'ls PkgName_*.tar.gz && R CMD check PkgName_*.tar.gz --no-manual --no-tests', returnStatus: true)) {
                     case 0: currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
                     default: currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'; error('script exited with failure status')
         stage('Install') {
            steps {
               sh 'R -q -e \'install.packages(list.files(".","PkgName_.*.tar.gz"), repos = NULL)\''
               sh 'R -q -e \'install.packages("tinytest2JUnit")\''
         stage('Test') {
            steps {
               dir('PkgName') {
                  sh 'R -q -e \'tinytest2JUnit::testPackage(pkgname ="PkgName", file = file.path(getwd(), "results.xml"))\''
            post {
               always {
                   dir('PkgName') {
                       junit 'results.xml'

Download the full Jenkinsfile here

See here the example here for tinytest2JUnit testing itself!


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