
Using .png file

luccastanan opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use an image in .png, but when I flip the background is white, what should I do?

If you do not want a transparent/translucent screen while flipping you may have to set android:background="#ffffff" for your FlipView container.
Alternatively, you may have meant that the image is not in the screenshot during the flipping action, which occurs because the . I temporarily worked around the issue by using a loading image which solves the issue most of the time:
[ImageView ID].setDefaultImageResId(R.drawable.[loading_default]); // loading image
[ImageView ID].setErrorImageResId(R.drawable.[offline_default]); // error image
Also increase the buffer size by changing this in
private final int sideBufferSize = [>1];
Some other ideas I had were to refresh all the screenshots again once all the views are loaded or just before flipping but I haven't tried them yet.