A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
- aliHafizjiCEO, Wednesday Solutions
- ariefbayu
- ccrazycoderVagaro Inc.
- chrisbanesAndroid Engineer
- cng1985西安纽百特科技有限责任公司
- codebreakerChennai
- damianflanneryNavenio
- grantlandInstagram, Facebook
- hanklin
- hardartcoreBulgaria
- ikutoski
- jackwang429
- joemccannAsymmetric
- johncarl81Albuquerque, NM
- kangjoonsooSeoul
- kennydudeInvisible Dragon Ltd
- kevinwattBigGo
- luizcarvalhoDefensoria Pública do Estado do Tocantins
- maraujopFreelance
- marphiOLX Group
- miofthenaMoscow
- miyaji27Japan
- MostafaGazarLondon
- newbee
- nomade
- nuthatchNuthatch Graphics
- pcdinhCodeStringers
- pocmoLeague
- rebillChina
- sanderversluysWho Owns The Zebra
- scottfergNumerator/InfoScout
- selMalmö, Sweden
- shaobin0604Chengdu
- sunwenjun
- tcurdtBerlin
- tokuda109@mercari and @merpay