- alimhassam
- andrewgoodnzAuckland, New Zealand
- artuse
- benhamou
- bewestSan Francisco
- danamlewisSeattle
- dm61
- efbest
- gregtcm
- gscharloo
- gui-dosItaly
- HowardLook@tidepool-org
- JaysonEwer
- jhcloos
- jleodaniel
- leleobhz/dev/null
- LuckDuck71
- mcbillNew York, NY
- medikzShanghai BME Information Technology
- mikestebbinsResonon
- MosiGitHubGermany
- msrcgm
- rafaelmatuk
- RicoApfelbeckChemnitz, DE
- SandraK82Softwarehaus Kassel GmbH
- sarahspinsGeorgetown, TX
- scottleibrandNetskope, Inc.
- sleekc
- soojinlee7892
- texpertPC-Link
- tghowardNew York Natural Heritage Program / SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- th122Berlin, Germany
- trevettallen
- UnoqualsiasiThe Roslin Institute
- yeagerm
- zelankoAutopoint | Solera