
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

OpenArtcoded Dropbox-sync


  • Langage : C#
  • SDK : .NET 6


Dropbox Configuration

Before touching the app, you will need to create an application in Dropbox and retrieve some informations. Go on Dropbox Developper site. On the upper right corner, select App console. Create a new app.

Choose an API

Select Scoped access, normally there is no other choice, but it might change in the future

API Choice

Choose the type of access you need

Here you can choose either a single folder that is going to be created for the app or the full dropbox meaning all folders in your Dropbox.

The single folder system creates a root folder for the app IN WHICH all the service's operation are going to be processed.

Dropbox Access Type

Name your app

Now you can give your app a name. Dropbox doesn't allow you to use the word "dropbox" in your app name

App Name

Once you have done all that, just click on Create app

App permissions

The app is now created, we still need to give it some permissions. Select the tab Permissions


You will have a long list of different permissions. The app to work needs certain permissions, check the next ones :

  • files.metadata.write
  • files_metadata.read
  • files_content.write
  • files_content.read

The rest is not needed for the moment, however if any changes occur in the futur, you can still come back and modify the permissions. You can now Submit the changes. If you don't see the Submit button, just remove the cookie popup

Let's head back to the Settings tab, we still need some informations there.


First retrieve the App key and the App secret we will need them later.


We can leave the rest for the moment, they are not important in our case.

Docker configuration

Now you need to modify some things. Your docker-compose.yml and add the following service, it should look like this :

Configure every variable with your value.

version: '3.4'

    image: nbittich/dropbox-sync
    restart: always
      - artemis
      - keycloak
      - api-backend
        - artcoded
        # Use your AMQP credentials and channel
        AMQP_USERNAME: # root
        AMQP_PASSWORD: # root
        AMQP_HOST: # artemis
        AMQP_PORT: # 61616
        AMQP_QUEUE: # backend-event
        DROPBOX_API_KEY: # Replace this value with your dropbox API KEY
        DROPBOX_API_SECRET: # Replace this value with your dropbox API Secret
        DROPBOX_CODE: # Replace this value with the code received by Dropbox. For example: PgYD8ACqPWcAAAAAAAAATtMVR0SsNdK5hp1f-GHBl7M
        DROPBOX_CONFIG_PATH: # Choose a path for the config file like this "/app/config". DON'T FORGET THE CHANGE THE VOLUME'S NAME TOO
        API_BACKEND_URL: # Set your API Backend URL. Example : "http://api-backend"
        API_BACKEND_ID: # Set your API's Backend ID. Example : "service-account-download"
        API_CLIENT_SECRET: # Replace with your API Client's secret key. Example : "duzp0kzwDHSS2nSO46P3GBSsNnQbx8L3"
        API_TOKEN_URL: # Replace it with the keycloak's token url. Example : "http://keycloak:8080/realms/Artcoded/protocol/openid-connect/token"
        ZIP_PASSWORD: # The password assigned to the Zip file generated on dossier closure
        FILE_DOWNLOAD_DIR: # The directory in which the event associated files are going to be save locally THE PATH MUST START WITH "/": Example "/data"
        DROPBOX_DATABASE_NAME: # Should a name for the SQLite db file. Example : "DropboxSyncDatabase"
        DROPBOX_APPDATA_PATH: # The folder in which the database and configuration is saved. This variable can be the same as 'DROPBOX_CONFIG_PATH' THE PATH MUST START WITH "/". Example : "/db"
        DROPBOX_CONFIG_FILE_NAME: # Choose a file name for the config file. By default it is going to be "dropbox-sync-configuration.json"
        DROPBOX_ROOT_FOLDER: # THE PATH MUST START WITH "/". Example : "/OPENARTCODED". It represents the root folder in Dropbox
        MAIL_RECEIVER_ADDRESS: # The email address on which you want to send the warning email
        MAIL_SENDER_EMAIL: # The email address from which the mail must be sent
        MAIL_SENDER_PASSWORD: # The sender email address's password
        MAIL_SENDER_SERVER: # The server from which the email is sent
        MAIL_SENDER_PORT: # The mail sender's server's port
        MAIL_SENDER_SSL_ENABLE: # Enable of disable the SSL support for the mail sender server. The value must be either `true` or `false`
        FAILED_QUEUE_MONITORING_TIMER_MINUTES: # The frequence in minutes at which the service start to verify the failed queue
        FAILED_QUEUE_NAME: # The name of the queue to which the failed messages from backend-event are sent

        # The mapped volumes for data et db must be the same as DROPBOX_CONFIG_PATH and FILE_DOWNLOAD_DIR and DROPBOX_APPDATA_PATH
        - ./config/dropbox-sync:/app/config
        - ./data/dropbox-data:/data
        - ./data/dropbox-db:/db
        # If you choose the same folder for DROPBOX_CONFIG_PATH and DROPBOX_APPDATA_PATH make sure you only map it once 


Even if the container has access to these paths, it is better to have a "user accessible" path.


Once every precedent steps are done, you will just need to do one more thing before starting the app.

Follow the next link (don't forget to change de [API_KEY] text with your Dropbox's app API Key).


Retrieve the code given by Dropbox and change the DROPBOX_CODE environment variable in docker-compose.

Now you can start the service.