
POC Event consumer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

POC AMQP events

POC consumer events from api-backend (see https://openartcoded.github.io/doc/events/index.html ).

Currently only handles InvoiceGenerated event. It simply downloads the invoice and save it to /data.


  • NodeJS 16.10

  • Docker

  • OpenArtcoded (latest version)

  • If you have already tested the app before, better to delete it entirely:

    • docker-compose down
    • docker system prune
    • rm -rf <path-to-app-docker>/data
  • Follow this tutorial: https://openartcoded.github.io/doc/installation/compiled.html

    • if you already followed it, only re-import the keycloak-realms
  • clone this repo

Run locally

  • inside this repo, run npm i
  • run node index.mjs
  • Generate a new invoice from the app
  • You should see in the logs:
    new invoice with number '052022-bJ' has been generated. Saving invoice...
    invoice '052022-bJ' saved at './data/052022-bJ_590cc2f6-1a16-42d8-867b-87538d7e6d65.pdf'


  • inside this repo, run docker build -t poc_amqp .
  • go to <path-to-app-docker> & create an empty file called docker-compose.override.yml
  • add the following inside the file:
version: '3.5'
      image: poc_amqp
          - ./data/eventconsumer:/data
          AMQP_USERNAME: root
          AMQP_PASSWORD: root
          AMQP_HOST: artemis
          AMQP_PORT: 61616
          AMQP_Q: "backend-event" # the name of the queue
          API_BACKEND_URL: "http://api-backend"
          API_CLIENT_ID: "service-account-download"
          API_CLIENT_SECRET: "duzp0kzwDHSS2nSO46P3GBGsNnQbx5L3"
          API_TOKEN_URL: "http://auth.somehost.org:8080/realms/Artcoded/protocol/openid-connect/token"
          FILE_DOWNLOAD_DIR: "/data"

  • run docker-compose up -d
  • Generate a new invoice from the app
  • check the logs docker-compose logs -f eventconsumer
  • You should see in the logs something like:
    new invoice with number '052022-bJ' has been generated. Saving invoice...
    invoice '052022-bJ' saved at './data/052022-bJ_590cc2f6-1a16-42d8-867b-87538d7e6d65.pdf'