- 3
- 4
- 2
- 1
Clang Tidy Enablement
#4025 opened by ojayanth - 6
Build for dl385-g11 fails with DISTRO 'poky' not found
#4024 opened by ismaws - 4
How to debug 'sometimes the specific sensors get no reading after AC cycle the system' issue?
#4023 opened by jackylee0908 - 1
- 1
AST2500 Fan Tacho Values
#4021 opened by Fnl4Shr - 5
OpenBMC-2.14.0 Failed to run evb-ast2600 image in QEMU
#3983 opened by gavinux1 - 5
the image is no /lib/modules directory
#4020 opened by xht8015 - 9
- 4
No chassis details found for evb-ast2600
#4019 opened by Vinay-Rama - 3
why OpenBMC can't use std::format
#4018 opened by 583654109 - 4
Local build with meson subprojects
#3993 opened by Kostr - 1
Not able to navigate to any Page
#4016 opened by Adyagit24 - 3
- 1
How to run multiple obmc-ikvm on the same machine?
#4010 opened by xchen20170101 - 2
Master branch can not be built with GCC 14
#4009 opened by toshipp - 1
AST2600 MiniDP display issue
#4008 opened by venukovelamudi - 2
openbmc 2.14 can cnot use BMCWEB with HTTP?
#4007 opened by jack206 - 2
- 2
The password '0penBmc' is causing issues with my typing.
#4005 opened by cvam0000 - 1
- 2
raspberrypi4-64:fitImage-obmc-phosphor-initramfs-raspberrypi4-64-raspberrypi4-64 is too large!
#4003 opened by DandanXu1007 - 1
- 1
- 1
my browser connect to bmcweb
#4001 opened by DandanXu1007 - 1
why there is no information on bmcweb?
#3999 opened by DandanXu1007 - 3
- 0
Failed to start virtual media
#3996 opened by chandramohan83 - 1
- 1
what is this host_eid file?
#3994 opened by Aritra-BITS - 3
log repeat print
#3992 opened by jack206 - 3
Using virtual media by http protocol
#3991 opened by scoopex - 3
Why can't my browser connect to bmcweb?
#3990 opened by abel840 - 0
- 1
- 0
Can Anyone provide Linux Device Drivers for S25FL256SAGMFIR01(NOR Flash QSPI) and 25CSM04-I/SN
#3987 opened by MUVVANAVINKRISHNA - 0
Need Linux Device Drivers for IS43LQ32256A-062BLI and IS43QR16256B-083RBLI
#3988 opened by MUVVANAVINKRISHNA - 3
how to get elog param from dbus call
#3984 opened by writePerfectCode - 1
how to get elog param from dbus call
#3985 opened by writePerfectCode - 0
how to get elog param from dbus call
#3986 opened by writePerfectCode - 1
unable to build nss-pam-ldapd_0.9.8
#3980 opened by gabonator - 2
- 2
Ipmitool power off /on command not working
#3978 opened by vijaysai - 0
I am trying to understand the code flow, when we issue ipmitool command in BMC shell.
#3977 opened by vijaysai - 1
Successfully launch openBmc using sudo qemu system arm, kill the process, and restart openbmc with Wrong Image Format for boot command Error: can't get kernel image!
#3976 opened by yk113 - 0
Linux 6.6 config issues
#3975 opened by shenki - 5
#3974 opened by Kendidi - 3
ERROR: petalinux-user-image-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: The postinstall intercept hook 'update_gio_module_cache' failed
#3973 opened by QM1412