
Export host BIOS information to D-bus

Kostr opened this issue · 0 comments

Kostr commented

The current apphandler.cpp code has support for the Get System Info Parameters/Set System Info Parameters IPMI commands.

These commands work with such information as:

  • System Firmware Version (Host BIOS version)
  • System Name
  • Primary Operating System Name
  • Operating System Name
  • Present OS version number
  • Base OS/Hypervisor

phosphor-host-ipmid can receive this information from the Host, but unfortunately it keeps it only to itself in a static std::unique_ptr<SysInfoParamStore> sysInfoParamStore variable.

I don't know about usefullness of all the others parameters, but being able to display to user Host BIOS version would be highly useful.

To do it it is necessary to export to the D-bus received information from the Set System Info Parameters IPMI command.