Crankshaft: A turnkey GNU/Linux solution that transforms a Raspberry Pi to an Android Auto head unit.
- azdleMinneapolis, MN, USA
- blainsmith@limeleaf-collective
- cdhwang
- cowang4@WhatsApp
- dklassenDataGardeners
- dkonst
- dragulceo
- GalaxyGorillaDipl.Phys. Peer Stritzinger GmbH
- garrickvanburenMinneapolis, MN
- gau1991Applied AI Consulting
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- giovannibertiPagoPA S.p.A. @pagopa
- hulegCambridge, MA
- HypferNienburg/Weser, Germany
- ianlevesque@facebook
- jhillyerd@deepgram
- JulienGenoudInitML
- khatribharat@rapyuta
- kishaningithubThoughtworks
- lan94Bochum, Germany
- levonk
- MorantronBarcelona, Spain
- mxuribe
- NghiaTranUIT@ProxymanApp
- philippnagel
- rderewiankoVancouver B.C.
- RealOrangeOne@torchbox
- saturationTampere
- securingsincityQuincy MA
- shanapu
- shovelrider
- slamdf150xcCyberArk
- sxua@simplepractice
- thalesmelloLyft
- yaluVajra Interactive
- zaccari@digiinternational