
Work done for the Yale Open Climate Collabathon

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Data Whistleblowing

This is a simple proof of concept of a data reporting and anonymous whistleblowing mechanism. Under the hood, it uses Ethereum smart contracts and Semaphore, a zero-knowledge signalling gadget.

While the core functionality is original, much of the scaffolding in this repository is a fork of semaphore-ui.

More information about Semaphore can be found here.


For the purposes of this hackathon, we have implemented a simple proof of concept. We use as an example a solar energy farm which is required to report its daily power production. We also assume that this farm is a corporation with 5 executives.

Each executive registers their cryptographic identity into an Ethereum smart contract (based on Semaphore (https://weijiekoh.github.io/semaphore-ui/, https://github.com/kobigurk/semaphore/), a zero-knowledge signalling gadget), so that anyone can anonymously prove their membership in the set and broadcast a whistleblowing signal.

We then simulate the following process of the company reporting data, along with a deposit, for five days in a row, and an executive anonymously blowing the whistle on data reported on the fifth day. This locks up part of the total deposit. After an investigation (outside the system), an investigator then seizes part of the total amount deposited, and rewards part of the seized funds to a separate address specified by the whistleblower when she blew the whistle earlier.


  1. On day 1, the solar farm publishes their true power readings on a smart contract and deposits 0.1 ETH along with the data.
  2. The solar farm does the same for days 2, 3, and 4.
  3. On day 5, however, the solar farm reports false power readings.
  4. Alice, an executive in the corporation, decides to blow the whistle on this false reading. She produces a zero-knowledge proof of her membership in the set of executives, states that the readings of day 5 are fraudulent, and publishes it. Most importantly, the proof does not reveal Alice’s identity.
  5. The smart contract locks up 0.2 ETH of deposits pending the results of an external investigation.
  6. We assume that the investigator is a trusted third party. They hold the administrative private key with which they can unlock the farm’s deposit, or trigger the confiscation of said funds. Alice is rewarded a portion of the deposit for correctly whistleblowing, with this portion determined by the rules agreed upon, and saved in the smart contract. In this demo, she is rewarded 0.1 ETH. For the sake of anonymity, we assume that her payout address, specified along with the zero-knowledge proof, is unlinked to the address used to register her identity.

Local development and testing

These instructions have been tested with Ubuntu 18.0.4 and Node 11.14.0.


  • Node v11.14.0. - We recommend nvm to manage your Node installation.

Local development

Install npx:

npm install -g npx

Clone this repository and its semaphore submodule:

git clone git@github.com:weijiekoh/datawhistleblowing.git && \
cd datawhistleblowing && \
git submodule update --init

Download the circuit, keys, and verifier contract. Doing this instead of generating your own keys will save you about 20 minutes. Note that these are not for production use as there is no guarantee that the toxic waste was discarded.


Install all dependencies and build the source code:

npm i &&
npm run bootstrap &&
npm run build

In a separate terminal, navigate to contracts and launch Ganache:

cd contracts
npm run ganache

Staying inside the contracts directory, run the demo script. You need an solc 0.5.X binary somewhere in your filesystem.

node build/run.js -s /path/to/solc -o ./abi -i ./sol/