
Commonly used citations that are too hard to find

Primary LanguageTeX

IPCC Report Citations in BibTeX Format

Unofficial repository collecting commonly used citations for the IPCC reports in BibTeX format that are too hard to find.



Only WG I provides BibTeX citations which are included in this repository:


WG III citations have been typed by hand.


  • WGI citation file ar6-wg-i.bib has been obtained by integrating all the metadata included in the official website and the associated citation file;
  • WGII citation file ar6-wg-ii.bib has been obtained by integrating all the metadata included in the official website and the associated citation file;
  • WGIII citation file ar6-wg-iii.bib has been obtained by integrating all the metadata included in the official website (the associated citation file is not currently available).




to generate the HTML pages in docs.

Requires bibtex2html.