
Primary LanguageJavaScript


postgres://rkjha.it.in:W9Zcf1iFEHsv@ep-tight-snow-31319187.us-east-2.aws.neon.tech/neondb Contact Micro Service docker-compose --env-file .docker.env build && docker-compose --env-file .docker.env up --detach

Folder Structure


  • src

    • entity
  • dependencies : None


  • src

    • service
  • dependencies

    • core
    • parallel
    • framework


This folder contains the code for middleware, error handlers, authentication, authorization etc. Mostly duplicated for each microservice to maintain consistency across services.

  • src

    • framework
      • middlewares
      • error-handlers
      • authenticate
      • authorization
      • environment
  • dependencies

    • None

Server — Routes & Controllers

The controllers — may it be Express or any other framework, you’ll want to separate the infra routes from the API itself Another issue is versioning your API — v1,v2, and so on to keep track of the latest API and backwards compatibility.

  • src

    • server
      • routes
      • controllers
        • v1
          • controller.ts
        • v2
          • controller.ts
      • index.ts
  • dependencies

    • service
    • framework