
Installing, packaging, deploying and managing OpenCog

Primary LanguageShell

Collection of scripts


  • This script installs an OpenCog development environment on a fresh installation of Ubuntu >= 14.04 . It has options to selectively download, build, test, install OpenCog projects.

For a quick start using Ubuntu version >= 14.04, run

sudo curl -L http://raw.github.com/opencog/ocpkg/master/ocpkg -o /usr/local/bin/octool &&\
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/octool &&\

For details, see the instructions on the OpenCog wiki.


Work-in-progress (abandoned). The separate octool script is not yet ready. Use the above.


(This hasn't been tested for a while) A script to create an OpenCog build environment on ''any'' Linux system.


An IRC bot of some sort, purpose not clear.

Uses debootstrap. Requires ocpkg.


For installing opencog on a Raspberry Pi Computer running Raspbian. The readme here will be helpful.

May be out of date.

Example Usage

  • To install all dependencies necessary to build OpenCog:
 ./octool -rdpcav -l default
 # Optional: Add -s for installing dependencies for haskell binding.
 # Optional: Add -n for installing dependencies and kernels for jupyter notebooks.
  • To install all dependencies necessary to build AtomSpace and AS-MOSES:
 ./octool -rdcv
  • To install all dependencies necessary to build Cogutil:
 ./octool -rdv