
TianoCore/EDKII for UEFI implementation

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Aptio OpenEdition Firmware

The Minimum Platform is a software architecture that guides uniform delivery of Intel platforms enabling firmware solutions for basic boot functionality with extensibility built-in. This project incorporates support for the OCP derived Tioga Pass platform and Junction City Platform.

Package maintainers are listed in Maintainers.txt.


The key elements of the architecture are organized into a staged boot approach where each stage has requirements and functionality for specific use cases. The generic control flow through the boot process is implemented in the MinPlatformPkg. The generic nature of the tasks performed in MinPlatformPkg lends to reuse across all Intel platforms with no source modification. Details for any particular board are made accessible to the MinPlatformPkg through a well-defined statically linked board API. A complete platform solution then consists of the MinPlatformPkg and a compatible board package.

Board Naming Convention

The board packages supported by Intel follow the naming convention <xxx>OpenBoardPkg where xxx refers to the encompassing platform name for a particular platform generation. For example, the KabylakeOpenBoardPkg contains the board code for Intel Kaby Lake reference systems. Intel uses the moniker "OpenBoardPkg" to indicate that this package is the open source board code. A closed source counterpart may exist which simply uses "BoardPkg". Both directly use the MinPlatformPkg from edk2-platforms.

Stage Selection

Stage selection is controlled via the PCD gMinPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdBootStage in MinPlatformPkg.dec. The stage should be configured in the board package DSC file to the appropriate value. For example, a board may disable all advanced features by setting this value to 4 instead of 6. This may be used to improve boot time for a particular use case. Decrementing the stage can also be used for debug since only the actions required for that stage objective should be executed. As an example, ACPI initialization is not required for a Stage 3 boot.

The stages are defined as follows:

Stage Functional Objective Example Capabilities
I Minimal Debug Serial port output, source debug enabled, hardware debugger enabled
II Memory Functional Basic hardware initialization necessary to reach memory initialization, permanent memory available
III Boot to UI Simple console input and output to a UI, UEFI shell
IV Boot to OS Boot an operating system with the minimally required features
V Security Enable UEFI Secure Boot, TCG measured boot, DMA protections
VI Advanced Feature Enable Firmware update, power management, non-essential I/O

Minimum Platform Firmware Solution Stack

A UEFI firmware implementation using MinPlatformPkg is constructed using the following pieces.

Intel(r) FSP
Minimum Platform (MinPlatformPkg)
Board Support (<xxx>OpenBoardPkg)

Board Support

  • The PurleyOpenBoardPkg contains board implementations for Purley systems.
  • The WhitleyOpenBoardPkg contains board implementations for Whitley systems.

Board Package Organization

The board package follows the standard EDK II package structure with the following additional elements and guidelines:

  • Only code usable across more than one board at the root level.* Board-specific code in a directory. The directory name should match that of the board supported.
  • Features not essential to achieve stage 5 or earlier boots are maintained in a Features folder at the appropriate level in the package hierarchy.

Shared resources in the package root directory can include interfaces described in header files, library instances, firmware modules, binaries, etc. The UEFI firmware implementation is built using the process described below from the board-specific directory.

A board package must implement the board APIs defined in the MinPlatformPkg even if a "NULL" implementation is used to return back to the minimum platform caller.

Windows Build Instructions


Supported Hardware

Machine Name Supported Chipsets BoardPkg Board Name
Junction City IceLake-SP (Xeon Scalable) WhitleyOpenBoardPkg JunctionCity
Aowanda IceLake-SP (Xeon Scalable) WhitleyOpenBoardPkg Aowanda
MtJade Ampere Altra Jade MtJade
Onyx Genoa GenoaOpenBoardPkg Onyx

Download the required components

To download the project, clone the repository along with all the submodules and checkout required TAG using the following command: git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/opencomputeproject/Aptio-OE.git -b (need to be replaced with the branch or TAG name)

Junction City Build Information

Building with the python script

  1. Open command window, go to the workspace directory, e.g. c:\Edk2Workspace
  2. Type "cd edk2-platforms/Platform/Intel
  3. Type "python build_bios.py -p JunctionCity"
  4. On successful build, IFWI (Integrated Firmware Image) JUNCTIONCITY.bin and BIOS JUNCTIONCITY.fd rom files are created.
  • build_bios.py arguments:

    Argument Function
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    --platform, -p the platform to build
    --DEBUG, -d debug flag
    --RELEASE, -r release flag
    --cleanall cleans all

Aowanda Build Information

Building with the python script

  1. Open command window, go to the workspace directory, e.g. c:\Edk2Workspace
  2. Type "cd edk2-platforms/Platform/Intel
  3. Type "python build_bios.py -p Aowanda"
  4. On successful build, IFWI (Integrated Firmware Image) AOWANDA.bin and BIOS AOWANDA.fd rom files are created.
  • build_bios.py arguments:

    Argument Function
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    --platform, -p the platform to build
    --DEBUG, -d debug flag
    --RELEASE, -r release flag
    --cleanall cleans all

MtJade Build Information

Refer to https://github.com/opencomputeproject/OSF-Aptio-OpenEdition/tree/OE-AMI-MtJade-202206 branch

Onyx Build Information

Refer to https://github.com/opencomputeproject/OSF-Aptio-OpenEdition/tree/OE-AMI-Genoa_openSIL branch

Binary and Reference Code Details

  • EDK2 source based on edk2-stable202308
  • EDK2-Platforms source based on commit hash bb6841e3fd1c60b3f8510b4fc0a380784e05d326
  • EDK2-Non-OSI source based on commit hash 8c09bd0955338db38813e0d8ae1faa634f545f73
  • FSP source based on commit hash 46a88ff1e9ed45bb9bfcfa4654d292d60b30f442

Validation Details

  • All firmware projects can only build on Windows with the validated configuration below.


This firmware project has only been tested on the Junction City hardware.

  • This firmware project build has only been tested using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 build tools.
  • Booted to UEFI shell.
  • Booted to UEFI Windows Server 2019 on M.2 NVME Slot.
  • Booted to UEFI Windows Server 2019 using SATA HDD.
  • Booted to UEFI RHEL 8.3 using SATA HDD and U2 SSD.
  • Booted to Ubuntu 18.04 on SATA slot and U2 SSD.
  • Verified PCIE LAN card detection during POST and OS.
  • Verified TPM offboard chip detection

This firmware project has only been tested on the Aowanda AD1S01 hardware.

  • This firmware project build has only been tested using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 build tools.
  • Booted to UEFI shell.
  • Booted to UEFI Windows Server 2019 on M.2 NVME Slot.
  • Booted to UEFI RHEL 8.3 using SATA on M.2 NVME Slot.
  • Verified onboard PCIE LAN card detection in POST and OS.
  • All the above testing is done using AMI MEGARAC SPX FW version 0.14.0 Remote KVM redirection

New Features

  • None

Planned Activities

  • Sync with latest EDKII and EDKII platforms

Additional Support and Customizations

  • To get dedicated support or additional features or customizations for Aptio OpenEdition, feel free to email sales@ami.com