
OpenPOWER / Open Compute Server, based upon POWER9


Zaius & Barreleye G2

The specifications, designs as well as all subdirectories found in the directory are licensed under the Open Compute Hardware Permissive License (OCPHL-P) and it can be found at: http://files.opencompute.org/oc/public.php?service=files&t=e67d018c4ec5ee16560881af058e6003&download

Zaius & Barreleye G2- OpenPOWER & Open Compute-based Open Source Hardware Design

Specs – Hardware and Software Specification

HW – Hardware Collateral & Design Package Information (Schematics, Board Files, Mechanical Assemblies, BoM)

This directory content is driven using Large File Storage extension from github. You may need to enable it on your client to download all content. After installation "git lfs fetch" and "git lfs pull" commands to download the files for management in your local git repo.

Using "git lfs ls-file" will display which files which are managed by lfs within this repo.

If you are having problems with Git LFS, you may also download the entire design package here: http://files.opencompute.org/oc/public.php?service=files&t=a769fded8e6162abf7df2f8c7d2f2888&download (version 0.9.0 as of June 10th, 2018)