
Kubernetes as a FUSE Filesystem

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Kubernetes as a Filesystem Build Status


Because kubectl is great, but sometimes a bit slow to navigate.

Enter KubeFuse.

Beta quality software for quick Kubernetes browsing and editing. What's not to love.


  • Browse Kubernetes resources in your file system...
  • ...with (some of) your favourite tools: ls, find, cat, vim, ...
  • List all your favourite resources such as: services, replication controllers, pods and namespaces. All entity types up to v1.3 are supported.
  • Access resource descriptions as files (eg. cat ~/kubernetes/default/pod/postgres-aazm1/describe)
  • Quickly read resources as YAML or JSON (eg. cat ~/kubernetes/default/pod/postgres-aazm1/json)
  • Edit resources with your editor of choice and have Kubernetes update on writes (vim ~/kubernetes/default/rc/postgres/json 🙋)
  • Works with Python 2 and 3

A more detailed introductory post can be found on this beautiful blog.


KubeFuse runs on both Linux and Mac, but does require additional libraries to be installed (eg. OSXFUSE).

KubeFuse also uses the kubectl binary under the hood so this needs to be on the path.

Setup and Usage

Getting the latest release

You should be able to:

pip install kubefuse

After which the kubefuse command will be installed into a bin/ directory that is hopefully already on your path (if not look for the line starting with Installing kubefuse script to .... and add that directory to your PATH and restart your shell).

You should then be able to run:

kubefuse [MOUNTPOINT]

From Source

When "building" from source:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Will install all the dependencies (on fresh systems you may need to easy_install pip first). After which you can run KubeFuse with:

python kubefuse/kubefuse.py [MOUNTPOINT] 


KubeFuse is extensively tested using a tool called Myna. It also uses the nose framework to discover and orchestrate the tests. To run the tests install Myna and then:

make test


Create the mount:

python kubefuse.py ~/kubernetes

List all pods in the default namespace:

ls ~/kubernetes/default/pod/

List all known objects in the default namespace:

find ~/kubernetes/default -type d -mindepth 2

Describe the postgres pod:

cat ~/kubernetes/default/pod/postgres-aazm1/describe

Get logs from a graphite pod:

cat ~/kubernetes/default/pod/graphite-i3bb2/logs

Export the postgres replication controller to YAML:

cat ~/kubernetes/default/rc/postgres/yaml

Export the postgres replication controller to JSON:

cat ~/kubernetes/default/rc/postgres/json

Export all service definitions in the default namespace:

find ~/kubernetes/default/svc -name yaml | while read line ; do cat $line ; echo "----" ; echo ; done

We can edit replication controllers and other resources in our editor. Saving the file will replace the resource in kubernetes:

vim ~/kubernetes/default/rc/postgres/json


Apache License version 2.0 See LICENSE for details.

(c) OpenCredo 2016.