
This project allows a chatbot to be extended with a default fallback state that makes queries to a language model to ask questions on a given .csv/.txt file

Primary LanguageJava


This project allows a chatbot to be extended with a default fallback state that makes queries to a language model to ask questions on a given .csv/.txt file


  1. Modify src/main/resources/configuration.properties if you need it, and make sure that the bot folder name coincides with the ones in runVisitor.sh and runBot.sh.
  2. Open a new terminal in the root directory of the project and run ./runVisitor.sh to generate the enhanced chatbot.
  3. Then, run ./runBot.sh to run the new chatbot together with the flask server running the language model. Make sure that the server port coincides with the one specified in src/main/resources/configuration.properties.