
Examples for geocat and DCAT data-catalogs are given here


This GitHub repo is intended to prepare the further development of DCAT-AP CH by providing a definition area for all its documents. The definition area is available at https://www.dcat-ap.ch/

Dependence on W3C

The specification of DCAT-AP CH 2.0 uses respec: https://respec.org/docs/

It needs the W3C Server to be up to render correctly. In case there is an issue with the specification, it might be related to a downtime of the W3C Server: Please check here: https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/w3.org.html and see whether the W3C Server is up, before filing an issue.

Local development

No server is required for local development: the file docs/index.html can be opened directly in a browser.


To deploy to the server: