- 0
[Feature Request]: Support for Inserting Pod/Container Fields (e.g., SecurityContext, AutomountServiceAccountToken) in datasciencepipelinesapplication Custom Resource
#707 opened by vvarala1 - 0
Use basic python base image in sample pipeline
#612 opened by gmfrasca - 1
- 1
[Feature Request]: Handle DSPA v2 with MLMD disabled
#537 opened by gmfrasca - 1
DSPv2 feature branch into main
#534 opened by gmfrasca - 1
- 1
- 1
V2 - Throw a user-friendly error when `S3CredentialSecret.SecretName` has an invalid value
#523 opened by hbelmiro - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
[Feature Request]: Improve handling of db/ObjStore Avaialable Status+Error in dspipeline_controller.go
#507 opened by gmfrasca - 1
- 1
- 1
[Feature Request]: Improve V2 NetworkPolicy
#501 opened by gmfrasca - 1
Add example DSP yamls for V2, and update existing yamls with newer api fields
#498 opened by HumairAK - 1
- 1
Document supported Argo versions for v2
#496 opened by HumairAK - 3
V2 Poc minio service has kubeflow hardcoded values
#494 opened by HumairAK - 2
- 3
[Bug]: DSPA service endpoint is not secure
#492 opened by strangiato - 3
- 1
Clean up unused cpaas images
#488 opened by HumairAK - 2
- 1
Test behavior when capacity limits are hit for db/s3
#482 opened by HumairAK - 1
[Feature Request]: GHActions - Update any workflows that use github-script@v3.1.0 action
#481 opened by gmfrasca - 1
[Feature Request]: GHWorkflow(s) deprecating set-output, update to use Environment Files
#480 opened by gmfrasca - 1
- 1
- 1
Document v1 -> v2 migration
#475 opened by HumairAK - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
Build KFP V2 Base Images in Cpaas
#468 opened by HumairAK - 1
- 1
Give UI a v2 PoC to develop/reference against
#470 opened by HumairAK - 1
[Feature Request]: Improve the error message when connecting to the external Object Store with the self-signed certificates
#528 opened by pgodowski - 0
- 2
[Bug]: V2 - File not found while reading persistence agent service account token
#511 opened by hbelmiro - 0
[Bug]: Setting storage class in DSPO for mariadb/minio fails due to indentation issues
#508 opened by HumairAK - 0
[Bug]: DSPO sometimes crashes when creating a DSPA due to minio endpoint connection failure
#505 opened by HumairAK - 3
[Spike] Investigate if resource_references[] response api object field has pipeline parent references for runs triggered via jobs
#467 opened by HumairAK - 2
- 1
- 0
[Bug]: APIServer with enableOauth=False still has oauth port in APIServer service
#490 opened by cam-garrison - 6
- 2
- 1