
Harvester extension for the City of Zurich

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.


Harvester for the City of Zurich. The data is loaded from so called "dropzones", which are mounted network drives. Each folder in a dropzone is considered a dataset.



The harvest configuration must be provided as a valid JSON string.


    "data_path": "/home/liip/dropzones/GEO",
    "metafile_dir": "DEFAULT",
    "update_datasets": false,
    "update_date_last_modified": true,
    "dataset_prefix": "",
    "delete_missing_datasets": false


The path to the dropzone


The name of the directory where the meta.xml is located. The GEO dropzone has a subdirectory for the meta.xml, all other dropzones should provide an empty string here.


Boolean flag (true/false) to determine if this harvester should update existing datasets or not. If the flag is false no updates will be performed, only new datasets will be added.


Boolean flag (true/false) to determine if the field date_last_modified of a dataset should be updated by the harvester or not. If the flag is true the date will be updated if the content of any resource of a dataset has changed.


Defines a prefix for all dataset names harvested by this harvester. This is useful if a test harvester imports the same dataset as a regular harvester and it should be ensured, that the they can co-exists without overriding each others dataset.

E.g. if a harvester imports a dataset "velowege", it will be imported as "velowege"; if dataset_prefix is set to "test_", it will be imported as test_velowege.


Boolean flag (true/false) to determine if this harvester should delete existing datasets that are no longer included in the harvest-source.


Each dataset consists of a folder containing a meta.xml (required!) and an arbitrary number of resources.

You can find examples for meta.xml and link.xml files in the fixtures directory of this repository.

You can use the meta.xsd and link.xsd for validation. Either use a free online XML Validator or validate on the command line using e.g. XMLStarlet:

xmlstarlet val -e --xsd meta.xsd /path/to/meta.xml


Folder structure:

├── 1993-2012_bev_zuz_jahr_quartier.csv
├── bev_zuz_jahr_quartier.csv
└── meta.xml


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 1
  • Description: Title of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 1
  • Description: Description of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:
<beschreibung>Liste der städtischen Alterswohnungen</beschreibung>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Description of the legal basis of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:
<rechtsgrundlage>Stadtratsbeschluss DGA</rechtsgrundlage>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Description of the license of this dataset
  • Values: "notspecified", "odc-pddl", "odc-odbl", "odc-by", "cc-zero", "cc-by", "cc-by-sa", "gfdl", "other-open", "other-pd", "other-at", "uk-ogl", "cc-nc", "other-nc", "other-closed"
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Spatial relationship of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:
<raeumliche_beziehung>Stadt Zürich</raeumliche_beziehung>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Update interval of this dataset
  • Values: " ", "alle 4 Jahre", "Echtzeit", "halbjaehrlich", "jaehrlich", "keines", "laufend", "monatlich", "quartalsweise", "sporadisch oder unregelmaessig", "stuendlich", "taeglich", "vierzehntaeglich", "woechentlich", "laufende Nachfuehrung", "keine Nachfuehrung"
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 1
  • Description: Date of the last update of this dataset
  • Values: date dd.mm.yyyy
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 1
  • Description: Type of data in this dataset
  • Values: " ", "Bilddatei", "Datenaggregat", "Einzeldaten", "Web-Service"
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Publication date of this dataset
  • Values: dd.mm.yyyy
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: List of categories of this dataset
  • Values: comma-seperated list of category-titles "Arbeit und Erwerb", "Basiskarten", "Bauen und Wohnen", "Bevölkerung", "Bildung", "Energie", "Finanzen", "Freizeit", "Gesundheit", "Kriminalität", "Kultur", "Mobilität", "Politik", "Preise", "Soziales", "Tourismus", "Umwelt", "Verwaltung", "Volkswirtschaft"
  • Example:
<kategorie>Basiskarten, Bevölkerung, Bauen und Wohnen</kategorie>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Publisher of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:
<lieferant>Geomatik und Vermessung Zürich, Tiefbau- und Entsorgungsdepartement</lieferant>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Temporal relationship of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:
<zeitraum>laufende Nachführung</zeitraum>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 1
  • Description: Source of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:
<quelle>Gesundheits- und Umweltdepartement</quelle>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Quality of this dataset
  • Values: any literal
  • Example:


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: Version of this dataset
  • Values: version number
  • Example:


  • Data type: complex
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: List of comments related to this dataset
  • Values: <bemerkung>-elements with:
    • <titel> (title of the comment, required)
    • <text> (text of the comment, required)
    • <link> (link of the comment, optional) with:
      • <label> (lable of the link, optional)
      • <url> (url of the link, optional)
  • Example:
        <titel>Vorschau WMS (statisches Bild):</titel>
        <text>Es werden nur Wohnungen angezeigt, welche mindestens drei Mal vorkommen</text>
          <label>Layer Alterswohnung</label>


  • Data type: complex
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: List of attributes to describe the fields of this dataset
  • Values: <attributelement technischerfeldname="{fieldname}"> (name of the attribute-field, required) elements with:
    • <sprechenderfeldname> (label of the attribute, required)
    • <feldbeschreibung> (description of the attribute, required)
  • Example:
   <attributelement technischerfeldname="ADRESSE">
        <feldbeschreibung>Adresse des Objektes, CHAR 70 Zeichen lang</feldbeschreibung>


  • Data type: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: List of tags of this dataset
  • Values: comma-seperated list of tag-titles
  • Example:
<schlagworte>geodaten, vektordaten, punktdaten, standort</schlagworte>


  • Data type: complex
  • Cardinality: 0..1
  • Description: List of resources with their metadata
  • Values: <ressource dateiname="{filename}"> (name of the resource, required) elements with:
    • <beschreibung> (description of the resource, optional)
  • Example:
    <ressource dateiname="test.json">
        <beschreibung>This is a test description</beschreibung>


Optionally a dataset may contain a link.xml to describe APIs or services. This is mostly used in the "GEO" dropzone.

Folder structure:

    ├── alterswohnung.json
    ├── alterswohnung.kmz
    ├── alterswohnung.zip
    ├── link.xml
    └── meta.xml

Full example of a link.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<lable>Web Map Service</lable>
		<description>Further details about the resource</description>
		<lable>Web Feature Service</lable>
		<description>Further details about the resource</description>


  • Data type: complex
  • Cardinality: 0..n
  • Description: Describes resources that are available as a URL (APIs, services)
  • Values:
    • <lable> (name of the resource, required)
    • <url> (URL of the resource, required)
    • <type> (format of the resource, required)
    • <description> (description of the resource, optional)
  • Example:
    <lable>Web Feature Service</lable>
    <description>Projektion CH1903+ / LV95 (EPSG:2056)</description>