

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Sensor monitoring

Create a simple interface to manage sensors informations

Requirements :

  • Node.js from https://nodejs.org/ ,

  • Bower, installed with node.js by running : $ npm install bower -g ,

  • MySQL Server v5.5+.

All used dependencies are listed in package.json

How to install :

Once you have node.js, bower and MySQL Server installed, clone this repo by running :

$ git clone https://github.com/BenLeroy/simplesensor.git

Or download the project's Zip

Then run :

$ npm install
$ bower install

Execute MySQL Server and define a new user :

mysql> CREATE USER "[USERNAME]"@"localhost";
mysql> SET password FOR "[USERNAME]"@"localhost" = password('[PASSWORD]');

How to use :

Environment variables :

Required :

You need to create database for MySQL using : $ NODE_ENV=DEV DB_USER=[username] DB_PASSWORD=[password] node server/create_database.js

Optionnal :

To set a custom port use $ PORT=[xxxx] ... (default port is 3000)

To receive mail notifications, use $ MAIL_ALERT=["yourMailAdress"] ...

Beware :

To make modifications to models : $ npm install -g strongloop

Any modifications made to the models implies that you run : $ lb-ng server/server.js client/js/lb-services.js

Be sure to have compatible versions for "loopback-datasource-juggler"(v2.3+) and "loopback-connector-mysql"(v2.1+).

Run : $ [ENV_VARS] npm start from project's root ($ cd simplesensor)

Then go with your favorite browser at http://localhost:3000/

The project is generated by LoopBack.