
Commandline interface for Zotero

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Introduction: Tools for working with the APIs of Zotero and Zenodo (zotzen)

This repository is part of a set of repositories, see here: https://github.com/orgs/OpenDevEd/teams/zotzen-team/repositories. Currently, this set contains a number of libraries

The set contains some command-line tools:

And a web application


A commandline tool to interact with the Zotero API. Developed by @bjohas, @retorquere and @a1diablo.

Install this tool via

npm install -g zotero-cli

This tool primarily parses the commandline option, while the API calls are made with https://github.com/OpenDevEd/zotero-api-lib-ts.

Installation from source


Run the following command to install dependencies

npm install

Then run to run the script:

npm start -- <your args>


npm start -- tags --count

For compiled JS:

npm i @types/node
npm run build


./bin/zotero-cli.js <your args>


./bin/zotero-cli.js tags --count

Documentation - overview


Get help with

zotero-cli -h

Optional arguments:

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --api-key API_KEY
  --config CONFIG
  --user-id USER_ID
  --group-id GROUP_ID
  --indent INDENT

You can create a config.toml file as follows

api-key = "..."
group-id = 123
library-type = "group"
indent = 4

A file called zotero-cli.toml is picked up automatically.


Get help with

zotero-cli -h

which returns a set of commands, such as key, collection, collections, items, item, publications, trash, tags, searches, attachment, types, fields. You can get help on any of these with

zotero-cli <command> --help


zotero-cli collection --help