Provisioning app, which triggers project and component provisions (including Jira / Confluence / BitBucket and OCP resource creation)
- 0
Prov-app error with Atlassian Crowd 5
#740 opened by BraisVQ - 1
jcenter repository no more available.
#737 opened by victorpablosceruelo - 1
- 0
Regression in QS e2e-spock-geb -- should not run groovy tests as part of junit tests.
#736 opened by victorpablosceruelo - 0
- 0
- 4
- 0
- 10
Provisioning app tries to create the project again just after successfully creating the project
#715 opened by BraisVQ - 0
Disable openshift service adapter by default
#721 opened by stitakis - 0
- 0
- 0
Add configurable disclaimer text in the provisioning app
#706 opened by jordivx - 5
DELETE_COMPONENTS API stores and returns project data with deleted quickstarter
#702 opened by clemensutschig - 3
Better integration with Nexus
#691 opened by serverhorror - 3
3.x (CI BUILD) - "DELETE_COMPONENT" Provision API endpoint fails with HTTP 401
#699 opened by clemensutschig - 3
The API endpoint /project/validate?projectName=xxxx searches by project key instead of project name
#698 opened by jafarre-bi - 0
- 11
Add labels to ODS projects for cleanup š§¹
#668 opened by felipecruz91 - 3
provide component provision status endpoint
#678 opened by stitakis - 13
Project specific CD user not permissioned on provision of new component repository
#670 opened by fkressmann - 1
Reduce technical debt
#638 opened by stitakis - 0
Log statements reveal secrets
#682 opened by mmiedaner - 0
SPA dependencies update incl. Angular 12
#692 opened by netzartist - 11
Invalid character error response when creating new project in OCP4 cluster
#690 opened by albertpuente - 2
Resync outdated storage
#681 opened by stitakis - 2
Logging endpoint for SPA client errors
#662 opened by netzartist - 0
Handle logout in SPA
#675 opened by netzartist - 0
add openapi documentation
#677 opened by stitakis - 1
Handle form based auth in SPA
#637 opened by netzartist - 12
Allow custom quickstarters
#649 opened by serverhorror - 1
3.0.x project cd_user requires admin privileges on project level for bitbucket
#674 opened by segator - 4
Allow digits in Component names
#625 opened by serverhorror - 2
ODS Dashboard / Visual Studio Code Extension
#648 opened by cschweikert - 0
missing input validation in ProjectAPIController
#667 opened by stitakis - 0
Fix SPA searchbar layout
#664 opened by netzartist - 2
add changelog enforcer
#657 opened by renedupont - 0
- 2
- 0
- 5
- 3
Remove copyright and author in java files?
#633 opened by renedupont - 44
ODS (master) - ami creation fails in ODS Provision App verify step with 504 gateway timeout
#646 opened by clemensutschig - 5
- 5
Show an error message when the component id does not match the regex expression
#624 opened by felipecruz91 - 2
- 0
Update SPA to Angular 11
#631 opened by netzartist - 0
Update SPA to Angular 10.2.3
#628 opened by netzartist - 0
- 0
missing verification of confluence project already exists on project creation event
#607 opened by stitakis