- 0
Delete All Requests Button Not Working Properly
#106 opened by holysor - 2
Persistent database
#102 opened by jonb-ifit - 7
- 2
When candidate/primary/secondary return a content length of 0, Diffy returns empty 200
#97 opened by craigta - 3
- 0
- 1
Why proxy https gets 403
#98 opened by N1neSun - 2
Unexpected comparison result format
#95 opened by aa3pankaj - 6
No prometheus metrics
#90 opened by fcamposdespegar - 0
Logs missing from the open-telemetry traces
#96 opened by aa3pankaj - 2
[Help] start diffy in docker way as described in the docs, but it keep going wrong when sending request to diffy server
#91 opened by deldong - 0
Cleaning requests does not work
#94 opened by flore77 - 0
Add support to decompress gzip encoded responses
#93 opened by v-girish - 0
Add setting to disable HtmlLifter
#92 opened by steveburchfield - 4
Missing reset button
#73 opened by SebastianSolidwork - 1
- 6
Inverted primary/candidate results
#86 opened by joelmarty - 0
[Help] Unable to properly send request to Diffy
#87 opened by Eliory09 - 2
- 5
Add support for requests with content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data
#77 opened by November22 - 1
example is broken
#82 opened by dingxiong - 2
Home Page:XX failing of XX requests ERROR
#81 opened by Quan-HS - 5
Why build failure in macos?
#80 opened by money32wang - 1
I follow the documentation, when i run "java -jar -Dspring.config.location=diffy.yml diffy.jar" ,An error occurred:
#78 opened by liguohan - 2
I have a question, The result of diff is 9, but UI only show 5 diffs ,Can you help me with an answer? thanks
#79 opened by liguohan - 7
Not able to run the example
#74 opened by bcreaney - 1
Docker image
#76 opened by ostetsenko - 5
how to disable open telemetry?
#75 opened by danielzzz - 6
Authorization from header not shared
#72 opened by SebastianSolidwork - 4
No diff details shown
#71 opened by SebastianSolidwork - 1
- 1
Not able to run `example/`
#69 opened by harsh8398 - 4
Any plan to support macbook M1 chip
#68 opened by dingxiong - 2
Docker run not working
#67 opened by achoukou - 0
Integration with azure function
#66 opened by meeraeldhose - 4
Several errors while executing mainly: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: You must specify host and port in hosts: localhost:50120:443
#47 opened by starx - 2
Exception propagated to the default monitor
#53 opened by Linxi-brave - 0
#60 opened by linydquantil - 0
Ease in Analysing regression diffs
#64 opened by jaykay12 - 3
- 0
authorization issue
#63 opened by river891105 - 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
Integration with azure function
#65 opened by meeraeldhose - 2
- 2
- 1
configured a logging handler
#56 opened by Obeth1409 - 1
How do i fix error "CheckUrl ETIMEDOUT"?
#58 opened by KhrystynaG - 1