OpenDP - App Design

A Vue.js application

This is a front-end application for the OpenDP project, powered using Vue.js and Vuetify, a Material Component Framework for Vue.js.


  • Install Node.js if not already present

  • This project uses yarn instead of npm as the package manager.

    • If you don't have yarn, just do this after installing Node.js:
    npm install -g yarn

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Recommended VS Code Extension for TODO search

TODO marks were added to the code to help with the task of connecting the app with the backend. With an extension like this one, it is easier to find those marks and face them.

Vuetify UI Components

1. Application

2. Grid System

3. Navigation drawers

4. Lists

5. Dividers

6. Cards

7. Data tables

8. Pagination

9. Forms inputs & controls

9.1 Forms

9.2 Text Fields

9.3 Textareas

10. Buttons

11. Checkboxes

12. Radio buttons

13. App bars

14. Selects

15. Steppers

16. Combobox

17. Alerts

18. Dialogs

19. Overlays

20. Progress circular

21. Tooltips

22. Images

23. Icons

24. Chips

25. Sheets