- 1
`Can't reach service` when invoking a delpoyed function
#1235 opened by ZinuoCai - 3
OpenFaaS CE requires an Internet connection
#1234 opened by ZinuoCai - 6
Unable to Deploy Public Image on OpenFaaS from Docker Hub
#1231 opened by ZNFY - 1
#1228 opened by omryshay - 7
OpenFaaS CE and with minkube(Custom Functions)
#1227 opened by hoyii - 6
Support request for Helm Chart's ingress section
#1220 opened by blaargh - 2
Deploy Error:"the Community Edition license agreement only supports public images"
#1217 opened by Lsgoose - 2
OpenFaaS CE and local registry with KinD
#1198 opened by maiermic - 3
Custom IngressClass cannot be set for gateway ingress
#1210 opened by vkryzh - 4
CRDs are installed despite of createCRDs: false
#1208 opened by vkryzh - 2
Support request about image pull policy
#1195 opened by bin-lian - 1
Error checking connectivity, OpenFaaS CE cannot be run in an offline environment:
#1203 opened by OKAYRO - 1
- 3
Question about usage for Community Edition
#1185 opened by saikumar0412 - 3
Airgap support for Community Edition
#1180 opened by disconn3ct - 4
Custom Function Scheduling
#1059 opened by tburchardt - 1
[Question] unable to create function, maximum: 30
#1174 opened by jgr-great - 1
basic-auth secret is missing in install yaml
#1169 opened by m1093782566 - 2
Helm chart openfaas/openfaas:14.1.7 fails to install because annotation bool value is not quoted
#1168 opened by mschoones - 1
Question about OpenFaas CE limitations
#1165 opened by pgmgb - 0
- 2
Question on how to access the OpenFaaS gateway
#1162 opened by shenferhat - 4
Container Gateway of pod faas-netes CrashLoopBackOff : Readiness probe failed and Liveness probe failed
#1159 opened by WhaleSpring - 2
Error response from daemon: manifest unknown
#1130 opened by bgv1729 - 1
Support request for exceeding Docker Hub rate limit for Prometheus and NATS
#1113 opened by AlexanderB1290 - 1
OpenFaaS CE - Manually scale to zero
#1112 opened by shiipou - 5
- 7
How can I integrate cAdvisor with the Prometheus pod deployed by OpenFaaS?
#1030 opened by kale-schuetzeberg - 8
Annotations for Liveness and Readiness Probes
#1042 opened by kevin-lindsay-1 - 3
- 1
Documentation for working with the Function CRD - need more documentation about it in my opinion
#1085 opened by yairyairyair - 5
Support request for VirtualBox
#1082 opened by lyudmilalala - 10
Feature: support Service Account Volume Project with expiry and audience fields
#1020 opened by jkirkham-ratehub - 3
- 3
Support request about image pull policy
#1075 opened by Jwinf - 2
Both readiness and liveness probes use /_/health
#1072 opened by zhulik - 4
Question:How to access openFaas on web dashboard?
#1054 opened by aditodkar - 2
kafka-connector SASL mechanism definition
#1052 opened by taislapta - 2
- 5
- 10
Unable to use kube-system for OpenFaaS functions
#1022 opened by MihaiSandor - 6
- 12
Gateway Displays Profile Error When Profile Exists, Function Can't Be Created
#1033 opened by pype-leila - 2
Add resource limits and requests to all helm charts, where not present already
#1025 opened by alexellis - 1
Queue-worker fail to retry function invocations
#1021 opened by FTWH - 3
- 5
- 0
Update prom/alertmanager docker image to v0.24.0
#1006 opened by nitishkumar71 - 5
- 3
Clash between ingress.class annotation and ingressClassName attribute in latest charts
#1000 opened by sotiriougeorge