
Embed.ly For PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

= Embedly for PHP

Embedly.php is a simple client for interfacing with the embed.ly API. (http://api.embed.ly)

== Usage

Instantiate the class by passing in the options, as supported by Embed.ly.  At the very least, a
URL is required. Other (optional) parameters such as format, maxheight, maxwidth are supported 
and can be passed into the second argument as an array.

	$params = array(
	  'format' => 'json',
	  'maxwidth' => 250,
	  'maxheight' => '350',

	$embedly = new Embedly('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o',$params);

Any parameters passed into Embedly.php will be sent over to Embed.ly.

To return something usable, you'll need to call the gets method. This processes the request, and will
return a JSON object.

	print $embedly->getResponse();

Outputs the following object in the JSON format.  (unless another format is specified)

	"provider_url": "http://www.youtube.com/", 
	"description": "numa", 
	"title": "Numa Numa", 
	"url": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o", 
	"type": "video", 
	"html": "<object width=\"640\" height=\"385\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/60og9gwKh1o&fs=1\"><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"><param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"><embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/60og9gwKh1o&fs=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"640\" height=\"385\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></embed></object>", 
	"author_name": "xloserkidx", 
	"height": 385, 
	"width": 640, 
	"version": "1.0", 
	"thumbnail_width": 120, 
	"provider_name": "YouTube", 
	"thumbnail_url": "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/60og9gwKh1o/default.jpg", 
	"thumbnail_height": 90, 
	"author_url": "http://www.youtube.com/user/xloserkidx"

== PEAR Dependencies

Embedly for PHP depends on PEAR::HTTP_Request, which should be widely available
on most PHP system installations.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Jason Hines ~ DevTwo, LLC. See LICENSE for details.