
self service on top of ovirt,libvirt,vsphere,foreman and cobbler

Primary LanguageJavaScript

nuages repository

This web portal running on django allows you to provide self-service  on top  of your :
-VMs can be created,stopped,started,deleted
 VMs console can be accessed (ovirt/rhev/libvirt only)
-VMS get created based on predefined profiles ( with a given virtualprovider and optional foremanprovider and cobblerprovider, and vm details such as disksize ( 2 disks supported), net interfaces ( 4 nets supported ) ,...)
-Authentication can use remote ldap providers
-You get some basic billing/invoice
-You get a REST api

What s that name,man?

well it s a django project with a feel of cloud, and django reinhardt most famous song is "nuages", which means cloud in french...Get it :) ?


A profile is a combination of :
-a virtual provider (rhev/ovirt/vsphere)
-virtual machine information ( datacenter,cluster,memory, guestid, number ov vcpus, number of interfaces( up to 4) ,logical networks, size and format of the disks,...
-a physical provider containing ilo credentials to access ILO through ssh
-an optional foreman provider where machine will be created, along with puppetclasses and puppetparameters. The List of hostgroups will automatically be fetched when selecting a profile with foreman support
-an optional cobbler provider where the machine will be created, along with cobbler parameters
-iso support. The list of available isos from the virtualprovider will automatically be fetched when selecting a profile with iso support


When creating a machine,you can specify a type based on the following ones:
you ll get and additional dialog box displayed with specific parameters that will be passed as cobbler parameters to your cobbler provider when creating the machine


a DB (postgresql is what i used but sqlite3 is another simpler option)
python-requests if you will connect to foreman
python-ldap for ldap auth
python-django-tastypie from epel ( provides REST api)
python-lxml            from epel ( provides XML support for REST api, if you re crazy enough)
ovirt-engine-sdk package from epel (only if you will connect to ovirt/rhev)
jython and vsphere api libraries ( only if you will connect to vcenter/esx)
pyvmomi api rpm ( only if you will connect to vcenter/esx, as an alternative to jython )
libvirt-python and python-lxml ( only if you will connect to libvirt hosts)
python websockify from epel
paramiko ( to connect to ILO through ssh)
python-reportlab and python-dateutil( if you plan to generate invoices)
gateone (from https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne ) (only if you want to connect to your physical machines ssh-ing to their ilo and then running vsp )
openssl and python-crypto if you plan to connect to vmware html5 consoles (another option is to directly set sha1 and fqdn for the virtualprovider in the admin portal)
optionally apache server  with mod_wsgi

if you plan to use cobbler/spacewalk/satellite5, be sure to set redhat_management_permissive: 1 in /etc/cobbler/settings to allow API access

I want it all, i want it now !

#if rhel/centos, subscribe to epel and optional channel
yum -y install jython ovirt-engine-sdk  python-requests  python-ldap libvirt-python python-lxml python-websockify python-paramiko python-reportlab python-dateutil  openssl python-crypto httpd  mod_wsgi postgresql-server python-psycopg2 Django14 Django-south python-django-tastypie

Ovirt SDK Installation

from epel:
yum -y install ovirt-engine-sdk

libvirt installation

    ensure that the user s running the portal (apache for instance ) can SSH the libvirt host without password
    for instance, under apache, you might have to 
    mkdir /var/www/.ssh
    chown apache.apache /var/www/.ssh
    su -s /bin/bash apache
    ssh-keygen ( accept defaults and dont set a passphrase )
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@libvirt_host
    ssh user@libvirt_host to accept the public key of the server

VMware VI (vSphere) Java API Installation

    1. Download latest version of  http://vijava.sourceforge.net/

    2. Unzip archive with unzip vijava$version.zip

    3. Move jar resultantes to lib/ext of your java install (ext/lib en fedora)
    for instance, with default jre on ubuntu:

    sudo cp dom4j-1.6.1.jar $JAVA_HOME/ext/lib
    sudo cp vijava$version.jar $JAVA_HOME/ext/lib

    Or for a 64 bits fedora16 :
    sudo cp dom4j-1.6.1.jar $JAVA_HOME/ext/lib/ext
    sudo cp vijava$version.jar $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext

    WARNING: latest vijava55b20130927.zip seems to be giving problem with vpshere5.5 so you rather wanna use vijava5120121125.zip

VMware VI (vSphere) Python API Installation

	from skynet:
	yum -y localinstall python-pyvmomi-

Basic Postgresql setup (Optional)

note: you can skip that  if you plan to use sqlite
install postgresql-server for your distribution For instance, on rhel6.4, from epel

yum -y install postgresql-server python-psycopg2

initialize and start DB, creating a user called nuages with a db called nuages)
service postgresql initdb ; /etc/init.d/postgresql start  ; su - postgres ; createuser nuages -P -d -R -S ; createdb -O nuages nuages

allow DB TCP connections. edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf so that it contains for instance
local   all         all                               ident
host   all         all                md5

service postgresql restart

App Installation

clone the repo ( or get an archive):

git clone https://github.com/karmab/nuages.git

install django and south for your distribution (and paramiko). For instance, on rhel6.4, from epel

    yum -y install Django14 Django-south python-paramiko python-ldap python-websockify

if you ll use a postgresql DB:
    yum -y install python-psycopg2 
    su - postgres ; createuser nuages -P -d -R -S ; createdb -O nuages nuages

edit $NUAGES_PATH/nuages/settings.py to reflect correct DB information.You can either use postgresql as i do or simply set sqlite3 ( in that case, change name of the sqlite file, for instance to nuages.sqlite)

create django tables.create superuser when asked for:

    python manage.py syncdb 

    python manage.py migrate 

create south stuff:

    python manage.py schemamigration portal --initial

    python manage.py migrate portal --fake

launch integrated web server:

    python manage.py runserver --settings=nuages.settings_dev YOUR_IP:YOUR_PORT

Apache Integration

install apache and mod_wsgi

uncompress the tar where you plan to serve it from apache ( defaults to /usr/share/nuages )

edit $NUAGES_PATH/nuages/settings.py to reflect correct DB credentials

edit $NUAGES_PATH/django.wsgi to reflect correct location  (replace /usr/share/nuages if necessary)                                                       

create a virtual host conf for apache. you can use the nuages.conf.apache  sample provided

if using jython
mkdir  /var/www/.jython-cache
chown apache.root  /var/www/.jython-cache

restart apache


 use the superuser you created as part of the django deployment...
 access the /admin page to :
	*create local users
	*create ldap user providers 
        note that you can create filter to restrict ldap users who can connect.examples of filters you could use:
            or for several groups:
    *optionnally create groups and assign them to users, as they get created upon first correct login ( their password isnt stored in DB, btw)
	*create virtualproviders
	*create physicalproviders
	*create foremanproviders
	*create cobblerproviders
	*create default ( otherwise the yourvms console tab wont work! )
	*create profiles

 drop the CA certificates of your rhev/ovirt virtualproviders and ldapproviders in the nuages dir

 access the /nuages page to :
 		*access the storage tab and browse your virtualproviders so storage information gets automatically created
 you can then begin creating vms or manage existing ones from the allvms tabs

 to create custom types, you can go in /usr/share/nuages/portal and copy customtypes.py.sample to customtypes.py

 api access is at /nuages/api/v1/?format=json . it s only available for staff users

 you can also check the nuages python wrapper available in portal/misc/nuages.py which can also be set as a cli
 ( You will have to create a nuages.ini in your home dir as the sample that can be found there )


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You will possibly need to tweak proxy settings for spice/novnc consoles to work,excluding your hypervisor display network from proxy
Restarting apache or django is necessary after editing customtypes.py...


Drop me a mail at karimboumedhel@gmail.com !

Mac Fly!!!
