
Base docker image to run fluentd.

Currently locked to version 2.2.0. Runs on a base image of wheezy.

Building a tagged release from Github

As an alternative to the Docker Registry, an image can be created from my Github repository:

# docker build -t openfirmware/fluentd

Once built, the image will be available locally as openfirmware/fluentd. The command can be re-run to update the image with any changes to the Dockerfile.

Running fluentd

Run the following command to start fluentd:

# docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -p 24224:24224 openfirmware/fluentd

Running fluentd with custom plugins

This image can be used as a base image to add plugins for fluentd. A fully documented example using ElasticSearch is available.

To support other plugin setups, fork the docker-fluentd-elasticsearch repository and customize for your plugins.
