

Closed this issue · 1 comments

1. Drafting on Friday

  • Merge pull requests in the Ready To Go column
  • Include translations: script/release/update_locales
    • You need the Transifex Client installed on your local dev environement to run the script.
  • Increment version number: git push upstream HEAD:refs/tags/vX.Y.Z
    • Major: if server changes are required (eg. provision with ofn-install)
    • Minor: larger change that is irreversible (eg. migration deleting data)
    • Patch: all others. Shortcut: script/release/tag
  • Draft new release. Look at previous releases for inspiration.
    • Select new release tag
    • Generate release notes and check to ensure all items are arranged in the right category.
  • Notify #instance-managers of user-facing 👀, API ⚠️ and experimental 🚧 changes.

2. Testing

  • Move this issue to Test Ready.
  • Notify @testers in #testing.
  • Test build: Deploy to Staging with release tag.
  • Notify a deployer to deploy it

3. Deployment at beginning of week

  • Publish and notify #global-community (this is automatically posted with a plugin)
  • Deploy the new release to all managed instances.
    Command line instructions
    cd ofn-install
    git pull
    ansible-playbook --limit all_prod --extra-vars "git_version=vX.Y.Z" playbooks/deploy.yml
  • Notify #instance-managers:

    @instance_managers The new release has been deployed.

  • Create issue for next release and confirm with next release drafter in #delivery-circle.

The full process is described at