Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce.
- 1
Bulk coop allocation reports not calculating correctly
#12922 opened by amidaOFN - 3
Order cancel error
#12982 opened by pragai - 2
[DFC Orders] Updates to backorder on any order amendment
#12915 opened by mkllnk - 0
Bulk product import stalling at 66% when missing info
#12973 opened by amidaOFN - 0
Release v5.0.8 Barmbrack
#13014 opened by dacook - 3
Add columns to "pay your supplier" report
#13013 opened by RachL - 0
Page is redirected after login
#13019 opened by pragai - 5
- 2
- 2
[DFC Orders] Retail Variant Pricing
#12988 opened by RaggedStaff - 3
Add 'tax category' to the All Products report
#13008 opened by tschumilas - 10
Add customer code to notify producer emails when enabled
#13007 opened by tschumilas - 3
- 5
[DFC Orders] Improve OIDC Error Handling
#12987 opened by RaggedStaff - 7
Order cycle mail reports to producers display different data in html and txt versions
#12993 opened by nicolasVr - 5
Default tax category is not set
#12989 opened by pragai - 0
- 10
Impossible to update product sold by weight with product import
#12968 opened by RachL - 5
[Products page] Empty option on unit scale dropdown
#12919 opened by filipefurtad0 - 2
[Orders Page] - Pagination is not working
#13002 opened by chahmedejaz - 1
Release v5.0.5
#12985 opened by dacook - 0
[DFC Orders] Store links to open backorders
#12952 opened by mkllnk - 1
[Citi OFN Vouchers] Set up metabase
#12966 opened by rioug - 1
- 0
Add serbian language
#12971 opened by duleorlovic - 5
Back Office Product List - Hide search field and filters when there are no products in list
#12957 opened by sigmundpetersen - 0
Add "voucher:" before voucher code on order confirmation emails
#12978 opened by RachL - 0
Upgrade to Rails 8.0
#12977 opened by mkllnk - 8
Reset absent products in Import page does not work
#12933 opened by Trementinaire - 1
- 1
ActiveRecord::Deadlocked in admin/products_v3#bulk_update
#12974 opened by mkllnk - 11
As a super admin, I should see a field I can use to link enterprise with my invoicing software
#12942 opened by RachL - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
- 1
Release 5.0.1 African birds-eye pepper
#12937 opened by rioug - 0
Fix out of sync prod database schema
#12944 opened by dacook - 7
ActionView::Template::Error in admin/products_v3#index
#12939 opened by dacook - 4
Release v5.0.0 Grünkohl
#12920 opened by rioug - 0
ExampleException in home#example
#12925 opened by mkllnk - 0
- 0
[DFC Orders] NoMethodError in BackorderJob@default
#12926 opened by mkllnk - 0
[DFC Orders] Request offline tokens for reliability
#12931 opened by mkllnk - 4
[DFC Orders] Issue with DFC Imported Products on Bulk Edit Products Screen
#12909 opened by RaggedStaff - 4
Taxes (incl. in price) on shipping fees are being subtracted from order total
#12908 opened by drummer83 - 1
[Checkout] Shipping fee not updated after editing order
#12907 opened by drummer83 - 1
- 0
Improve error handling on DFC Product Import
#12903 opened by RaggedStaff - 0