

Closed this issue · 5 comments

1. Drafting on Friday

  • Merge pull requests in the Ready To Go column
  • Include translations: script/release/update_locales
    • You need the Transifex Client installed on your local dev environement to run the script.
  • Increment version number: git push upstream HEAD:refs/tags/vX.Y.Z
    • Major: if server changes are required (eg. provision with ofn-install)
    • Minor: larger change that is irreversible (eg. migration deleting data)
    • Patch: all others. Shortcut: script/release/tag
  • Draft new release. Look at previous releases for inspiration.
    • Select new release tag
    • Generate release notes and check to ensure all items are arranged in the right category.
  • Notify #instance-managers of user-facing 👀, API ⚠️ and experimental 🚧 changes.

2. Testing

  • Move this issue to Test Ready.
  • Notify @testers in #testing.
  • Test build: Deploy to Staging with release tag.
  • Notify a deployer to deploy it

3. Deployment at beginning of week

  • Publish and notify #global-community (this is automatically posted with a plugin)
  • Deploy the new release to all managed instances.
    Command line instructions
    cd ofn-install
    git pull
    ansible-playbook --limit all_prod --extra-vars "git_version=vX.Y.Z" playbooks/deploy.yml
  • Notify #instance-managers:

    @instance_managers The new release has been deployed.

  • Create issue for next release and confirm with next release drafter in #delivery-circle.

The full process is described at

@filipefurtad0 @mkllnk I've tried on 2 stagings and enterprise setting page /admin/enterprises/NAME/edit throws an error 500, same if I try to land on step 2 of the checkout (payment).

I think this is blocking the release :/

Hey @RachL @mkllnk. From the error message here I suspect it might be related with VINE. I've disabled it for staging-FR in the hope that it unblocks the release.

RachL commented

OK so shops that previously had VINE turned on are still block. But perhaps this is fine as no one is supposed to use it in production currently?

rioug commented

Well the VINE PR isn't merged yet, so no shop would have VINE turned on yet on production

rioug commented

I had a look at the error, this is showing up because there were some VINE vouchers created, so there are some record in the database pointing to "Vouchers::Vine". Which doesn't exist unless you are using the VINE PR. It won't be an issue in production because no one is able to create VINE vouchers.