
wrapper for ipyvuetify widgets to unify the display of voila dashboards in the SEPAL plateform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



License: MIT Black badge prettier badge conventional commit Citation Documentation Status PyPI version Conda Version supported Python version build Maintainability Test Coverage

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sepal_ui is a lib designed to create elegant python based dashboard in the SEPAL environment. It is designed on top of the amazing ipyvuetify library and will help developer to easily create interface for their workflows. By using this libraries, you'll ensure a robust and unified interface for your scripts and a easy and complete integration into the SEPAL dashboard of application.

The full documentation is available here and demo apps can be launched on Heroku following these links:

We are happy to receive feedback and we welcome any kind of contribution.

map-app panel-app


If you want to contribute you can fork the project in you own repository and then use it. If you consider working with us, please follow the contributing guidelines.

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